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Fedex Vent...


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Okay, so I'm waiting on a few packages to arrive today and I see the fedex truck drive up. Well I didn't want to seem all impatient so I waited for him to ring the door bell. I can hear him talking on a phone outside my front door and I'm still waiting for the doorbell to ring, when all of a sudden I see him throw my box over the front porch and onto the patio. What?? Are you joking (keep in my this package being delivered has fragrance oils inside). So I open the door real quick to say something to him and he booked it so fast he was already gone. I couldn't believe it. Should I call fedex and complain. He better pray that nothing is broken inside. I'm going to check, just thought I would vent first.


Update: Luckily everything was packed so well that nothing was broken. But I still can't believe they would do that, they don't know whats inside or how it's packed.

Sorry, but that's quite comical, I am picturing it in my mind. I have personally never saw any carrier do that. I am sure it's done in every warehouse no matter who the carrier, but not thrown over a porch, LMAO

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FedEx sucks and is expensive anyways. UPS sucks even more. USPS sucks if you mark things "Fragile", they will deliberately try to break them because it's all fun and games to them. NEVER mark anything as "Fragile" or it will get broken by some dips**t USPS "worker" with too much time on his hands. Lessons learned the hard way.

We have everything sent via USPS because it's way too expensive through FedEx or UPS. When it comes time for wax skids though, we'll have to go with a freight company, but they tend to be more reliable anyways.

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I agree--so, he threw the box?? Yes he's rude, but nothing was broken. If this upsets you, you don't want to know what happens to your luggage when you fly. Let it go--nothing damaged. Things are shipped in boxes to protect the items to begin with--it's just the outside layer of protection. If the delivery services handled everything with "care" things would take a heck of a lot longer to get here.

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Okay, so I'm waiting on a few packages to arrive today and I see the fedex truck drive up. Well I didn't want to seem all impatient so I waited for him to ring the door bell. I can hear him talking on a phone outside my front door and I'm still waiting for the doorbell to ring, when all of a sudden I see him throw my box over the front porch and onto the patio. What??

I don't get it..if you were home, why not just open the door and go get your package...not wanting to seem 'impatient' is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! Its your package, you know he's there, go get it! Is there something wrong with going outside and helping these delivery men/women so they can get back on their routes? They have thousands of packages to deliver everyday, a little help once in a while isn't to much to ask for is it? If you were delivering I'm sure you would appreciate it if the homeowner was home and came out to meet you or atleast answer the door!:confused:

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Gee, looks like I'm in the minority! I have shipped exclusively with FedEx for almost 3 years now. Never ever had a problem. In my experiences they are cheaper & quicker than ups. Most of my suppliers use ups & I have always had a great relationship with all my drivers. I can hear the trucks pull up, so I meet them at the back door. If I am not here, the drivers will leave the package on my back porch next to the door. The worst is usps. I have had several packages totally destroyed. But one was the shippers fault. I was in a fo coop & they shipped 4 GLASS bottles in a huge box with absolutely no packing at all! I was amazed that only 1 bottle broke. I now kinda steer clear from most coops, lol. But I also have a great relationship with the postal workers, it's just that they are not all quite as careful as some.


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Well, I do see her concern! I ship alot of merchandise, and I for one, will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use FedEx again. Not only for their mishandling of packages, but their under quoted shipping estimates, billing, loss of packages, and RUDE customer service. I understand packages need to be packed to handle being dropped; or packages being stacked for transport, but to literally throw someone's package over their porch railing is going beyond mishandling. These shipping services get paid "GOOD" money to deliver packages, and I don't care how many packages they have to ship everyday, the packages should be handled properly to avoid breakage. As far as I am concerned, it is just another example of companies having problems finding "GOOD" help these days. In my opinion, people have just gotten plain "lazy" today, and will do their job the easiest way possible, instead of doing it properly.

As for putting "fragile" labels on your packages, ever since I have started putting fragile labels on my packages, I have found NO breakage upon the package(s) arrival to its destination. What I have started doing to, if the product I am shipping is breakable, I ALWAYS add insurance to cover the cost of the product shipped. Once you add this protection, if there is breakage, the shipping company MUST reimburse you for the breakage! I feel, if more people added this coverage, and reported the damage, making these companies pay for the mishandling of packages, the companies would soon get the message to train their drivers to avoid package damage. No company likes to pay out money due to their employees mistakes! Money talks; bullsh&t walks!

Why do you think alot of companies have a post stating, "if you have breakage, or your package does not arrive in good condition, contact the shipping company"? I can tell you why? There is nothing you can do about it! The company shipping the package MUST deal with the shipping company, and if there is NO insurance on the package, getting a refund from a shipping company constitutes a ton of paperwork that NO company is going to want to deal with. So, the company has the option to deal with the shipping company, or replacing the customer's order. Most companys opt to replace the order. It is worth the few extra cents/dollars it takes to add the insurance/protection to the packages you ship and the ones you have shipped to you. This way you and/or your customer have the grounds for a refund either way!

I will now get off my soapbox, but I had to add my few cents here since I have dealt with FedEx, plus other shipping companies, and learned my lessons the hard way.

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Just because boxes get tossed or thrown, and end up damaged doesn't mean that it is okay. Just because it may be 'business as usual' for some carriers or air lines to toss & throw our packages and baggage around also does not make it okay.

If we as customers do not complain and/or choose to do nothing about it then nothing will change.

If I receive a damaged package I always contact the carrier and report it. I also report it to the supplier so they can make their own decision about using the carrier. If a carrier loses a package I also report that and dog them til it gets taken care of.

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FedEx sucks and is expensive anyways. UPS sucks even more. USPS sucks if you mark things "Fragile", they will deliberately try to break them because it's all fun and games to them. NEVER mark anything as "Fragile" or it will get broken by some dips**t USPS "worker" with too much time on his hands. Lessons learned the hard way.

We have everything sent via USPS because it's way too expensive through FedEx or UPS. When it comes time for wax skids though, we'll have to go with a freight company, but they tend to be more reliable anyways.

Anything over 5 pounds is way, way, way more expensive sent USPS with the exception, depending, on the flat rate packages. I don't know what you are shipping but that's a fact.

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Anything over 5 pounds is way, way, way more expensive sent USPS with the exception, depending, on the flat rate packages. I don't know what you are shipping but that's a fact.

Totally agree with this, however, I think Nodtveidt's experience may be due to location (PR)?

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It's not okay that he threw my package. I have never had problems with other carriers or even the fedex guy at my moms house. This particular guy was on the phone bs'ing about what bar he was going to that night (I could here the convo.) and not even ringing the doorbell he just tosses my package over the fence. It's not being a tattletale, it's a complaint to let them know what type of driver they had hired. I had a package delivered the next day, from fedex and had a different driver. He rang the doorbell and handed me my package and was very friendly. I myself would never take someones package and throw it, kick it, stomp it, whatever. You have no idea whats in the package. If you don't mind your packages being thrown around that is fine, but I prefer mine not to be.

The thing about this is, they treat all packages like that at the warehouses etc. I think there was a post about this a while back and it was mentioned that they don't have to be careful, that all pkgs. should be packed to handle the stress of whatever's thrown at them-or in this case how far package is thrown, stomped, kicked, pounded etc. I forget, it was something about each pkg. having to be able to support a certain amount of weight, blah blah blah, something really outrageous and unrealistic but it was their justification. :rolleyes:

Why would you call on this particular incident? Yes, he threw your pkg. but you said yourself it was fine, nothing damaged etc.

I mean seriously, what did you say? "Oh I just wanted to let you know that my delivery guy threw my package, nothing was damaged inside but it just really pisses me off!that he did that!" :confused:

That's called being a tattletale!

Maybe that was a one time thing (or not).

Maybe the call he got was really bad news or something-no excuse I know, but hell he's human just like the rest of us. ;)

To me it's no wonder why you got the run around by calling about that, I mean what could they possibly do? Tell you they'll have a talk with your delivery guy?

What satisfaction were you wanting out of it?

I could see if it was a repeat offender, and your goods were being damaged in some way..........

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Totally agree with this, however, I think Nodtveidt's experience may be due to location (PR)?

That's exactly the reason. It is VERY expensive to ship to Puerto Rico using FedEx or UPS unless you select one of their economy plans, and in that case, Parcel Post is STILL cheaper (although we tend to use Priority to get stuff here faster).

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Ok here is my feeling, if you complain about a driver whether it be fedx or ups doesn't matter, their boss is going to say, ok dude such n such said you mishandled her pkg. whats the driver gonna do now??? well!!!! he will probably do it more cuz you complained about him just to p*** you off even more. just my 2 cents

I only had one problem with fedx on a shipment and they left it outside on my grill and the dog tore it up, I was furious cuz it was my medicine which isn;t cheap. Anyway, I put a sign on the back screen door in REDDDD that states please set pkg inside the door or the dog will tear it. Next time he was here I went out and talked to him NICELY and he said he understood and didn't realize...so just try to talk to him nicely and see what happens and explain things, IMO you get more with sugar than you do with vinegar

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11 years ago I was a courier for FedEx......We had time limits on how long it took us to pick up and deliver each package. We would get "dinged" by not making our times and commitments and that would hurt the paycheck. They would also , in between your normal route, send other pick ups for you to grab, while you still had to make your other deliveries...Saturdays were the worst...We had the there by 12 or free thing . We were told to park where we could, speed, eat and drive. By DOT standard we had to take certain timed breaks and I cant remember how long they were....But thats why they are so rude and in a hurry. Hell Id run from truck to door , if the package/letter allowed. They HAVE to things delivered/ picked up on time. I TOTALLY agree it NO EXCUSE what so ever to toss, drop kick ( worked at UPS loading there for a while and its BAD there !!! ) or mishandle any package !! I cant belive the couriers are like that now. I use DHL most now cause theyre generally cheaper when something needs shipped......

Really sux that theyve downgraded theyre customer service and now , what looks like, reputation, to this !!

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Gee, looks like I'm in the minority! I have shipped exclusively with FedEx for almost 3 years now. Never ever had a problem. In my experiences they are cheaper & quicker than ups. Most of my suppliers use ups & I have always had a great relationship with all my drivers. I can hear the trucks pull up, so I meet them at the back door. If I am not here, the drivers will leave the package on my back porch next to the door. The worst is usps. I have had several packages totally destroyed. But one was the shippers fault. I was in a fo coop & they shipped 4 GLASS bottles in a huge box with absolutely no packing at all! I was amazed that only 1 bottle broke. I now kinda steer clear from most coops, lol. But I also have a great relationship with the postal workers, it's just that they are not all quite as careful as some.


Like any other business it looks like the problem is with the person, not the company. All of my delivery people are great. UPS and Fed Ex will bring my items in the garage or in my home if they are heavy and USPS never leaves a package at the mailbox even though it is just across the street. Some of the deliverers even try to hide the boxes with my door mat even though the bushes would probably disguise it anyway.

Must be a regional thing on shipping prices because FedEx is much cheaper than UPS here for any package that is too heavy to justify using USPS. A really good example--a guitar sent to CA from IL. UPS quoted $90 something, USPS wouldn't even ship parcel post because of size and FedEx was $28. Guess who I chose?

I went to UPS store to drop off the toner cartridges for recycling-minolta puts a prepaid label in each box. They said they were not taped well enough and would take care of that for $2 per box. What a croc..a piece of tape for $2, I can buy a roll for that.

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