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Screeching Halt!

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I need to vent I think...or something.

Ok, so the shop is doing ZERO business. Nada, nothing, zippo - which is about right for this time of year, so it is not too surprising. What is surprising is that my internet business is actually not doing so well either. :confused:

This time of year just stinks and I've come to the conclusion that I need to get off my can and go back to work 100%.

Oh, my MIL quit because I had to cut her hours...kinda makes me mad, but not really - the reign of terror is over :laugh2: I also cut the other girls hours and they are ok with it because they have better jobs anyway.

So...I am officially a worker again starting on Thursday (gulp, that is tomorrow!) and I will be working every day now at the shop, then coming home and putting some hours in making bathbombs. I feel like it is 2003 all over again...:embarasse

I am not sure why I am writing this really. I guess I need to get some advice on how to "get back into it again". I never really "left" it, but haven't made soap, lotion or anything but bathbombs for 3 years.:lipsrseal

I also have to take my sweetie pie over to the shop with me (actually BOTH sweetie pies - hubs and baby) Hubs actually expressed some interest in learning how to do candles and soap a couple weeks ago, so I guess you should always watch out what you wish for.

Since our shop is so big (we have the retail, the check out and the production over there), I think I can make a nice little area for Jimmy. He is now 4 months old (holy crap) and likes to sit in the playpen playing with all kinds of things now - which is a change from the "mommy, sit with me all the time and don't do anything but that" phase.

Well, I guess my vent is over or question or whatever lol

Anyone out there doing it all in the business with a 4 month old and have any advice for me? Good news - the computer has DSL over there so no crappy dial up :drool:

(Can you tell I am a little out of my mind right now and have no where to turn or what??? lol)

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On a better note I went to your website and I really like it! It is set up great for getting around and your products look wonderful! You will be busy with a baby there and trying to work....patience...that is all I can offer. I know because I have 2 year old twin girls around when I do my work too! Good luck

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I've been to your site too and really like it except for one thing- I love pretty soap (and yours is!), but I want to know the "look" that I'm ordering. I can't match up the names with the pictures and it drives me nuts! The soaps are beautiful and I'm one of those people who would call and say, what's the fourth from the left on the third row down??? lol... too visual I guess.


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Keep your chin up. I think it is frustrating for alot of people right now. Sometimes in life, we are reminded to be patient and appreciate what we have. You are very lucky to have your own shop, a supportive husband, an absent MIL,:laugh2: and a beautiful baby. Maybe this is your time to re-evaluate your products, store set up, staff, or anything else you can think of that may need work. I started making candles because of being let go from a job I loved. So my advice is everything happens for a reason. Don't be frustrated about your circumstances right now, think of it as a "blessing in disguise" and keep on keepin on. Good luck.:embarasse

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I'm sorry things are slowing down so much.... but maybe this is a good time ro re-evaluate your marketing scheme? I think it's fairly common for business to keep doing what they've been doing until it doesn't work anymore -- and that may be where you are?

My suggestion (don't know if you wanted one so please feel free to ignore...) is to go back and look over the options you had when you were starting -- do you mainly rely on print ads, word of mouth, repeat customers, sales, fundraisers, etc...... ? What could you change to bring in a new crowd?

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My business has gone way down also. I had a great month last month, the best month ever, but so far this month has been very slow. Maybe it's because of the tax season. I certainly hope so.

One thing I'm doing to drum up business is sending a personal "thank you" by mail to each customer who bought last month and offering them a discount on their next purchase.

Right now, I'm very thankful to be getting my tax refund soon--Feb. 16th. Yea!


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I'm sorry to hear that, I've been there before too.

I use to have slow sells at certain times of the year. Now I have added more things that can sell year round. I do all candle types, room sprays, dipped critters etc. and have added B&B and Balloons & Balloon Decorating and Flowers. So it keeps me busy year round and almost to the point of burn out, because of the lack of extra help.

So maybe you need to evaluate what the others have said or if you have the time or money expand into other things that will sell year round.

Good luck with whatever you choose.

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Same going on here. We opened our shop again last August. Was slow at first, then really took off toward the end of the year. We were so excited, picked up a large account as well, lots of people wanting to do fundraisers, etc. Then died. :shocked2: Even the large account is hurting. Very little Valentines shopping yet. I am thinking they are holding off until next week. I know I haven't even thought about my own Valentine's shopping. I am hoping once people start getting tax refunds, we will get busy again.

But I hear ya, I hired my daughter full time, (we went through this a couple of years ago, then had to lay her off after the first of the year). She is going to school too, but counts on this income for her family.

I know our marketing sucks. We are in the midst of trying to improve that, so that we can fill in these slow times. I am going to take the advice about thank yous. Good idea. We don't want to be out of sight, out of mind.

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This is a bad time of year for smaller stores, with people still reeling from the excesses of Christmas. I call it "the scary season": sales are down, and we have higher expenses due to oil, etc. We have a fairly diversified shop, though, so not all aour eggs are in one basket.

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Well I put in some hours yesterday and my dad even came over to keep me company lol He is retired and spends most of his time up in Wis, but told me that this year he would like to stick closer to home. Get this, he wants to come over and do work for me lol!! So, I had him wicking tins yesterday and he was literally having a ball.

Maybe it won't be so bad once I get in the swing of things. It took me 5 hours just to clean one corner of my shop *yikes*, but I want everything the way I want it now. I can't believe all the things I have stashed away in rubbermaid containers! I think I will be spending some time with my camera to list some things in classies very very soon :)

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Since you're bringing your baby with you, I suggest a smock/lab coat to wear while you are working, something that will protect your clothes underneath. That way, if you need to go pick him up, you can take the smock off and go right to him and not be concerned about colorants, chemicals, FO's, etc getting on him. He's a lot smaller and by far more sensitive than adults. Might want to start wearing rubber gloves too, so you can just strip them off (along with the smock) and bam, pick him up.

Fisher Price use to make an aquarium moving scene with music that my last one was crazy over. I nursed her, laid her down and put her to sleep with that for 18 months. Often times used it during the day if I had to put her in the crib for a few minutes to take care of something and there was no one to keep an eye on her (we had a young dog at the time, plus another child just 2 years older than her) and it kept her happy for the few minutes I couldn't.

Other than this, prioritize what is important to get done that day, and concentrate on those items only, regardless of how many things you have to do on your list. And when your work day is over, it's OVER and your family time begins.

Good luck and I look forward to your classy ads.

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