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Not all wicks are the same!!!!!!!!!

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Recently, I purchased some LX12 wicks from Twigs & Berries, only because they are near to me in Michigan and I thought I'd try a few of their scents. Well, anyway, as soon as I saw the bag of LX12 wicks I new something wasn't right! They are WAY too big, but I thought well I'll give them a try. So I tested two votive candles, one with my LX12 from BC and the other from T&B and wouldn't you know the one from T&B melted the candle almost 2 times faster then the other from BC! Live and Learn as the saying goes! I will always by my wicks from BC. These others I will save for my chunk votives. I guess my message is to the newbies on the board is once you find a supplier that is tried and true - don't settle for something else just to save a few pennies! Now, I'm off to order some LX12's from BC!

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Ah, this happened to me, as well. Was looking for a smaller zinc wick and found a new place that had a smaller size then any other place I had ordered from. When they arrived they were bigger than two sizes larger of the wicks I already had. Yes, live and learn.

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But surely a wick like lx should be ok. They're a series of wicks by one company!!They're all supposed to be made in the same place (or at least to the same system) so i wouldn't think they would vary at all!!!

I can understand different sorts of wicks, that meet a certain size but different companies produce them, but not for the wedo LXs!!!

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You know, I thought the same thing...that they all come from the same manufacturer, so how could it be different? I did email the supplier - no response yet, but I'm quite sure they are mis-labeled. Too see the two votives burning side by side, there is NO question that these are two very different sized wicks. Thanks everyone for your input.

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Maybe I was sent the wrong size wick too. Few weeks ago i order a roll of primed cd-16 wicking from CS, then i ordered a sample pack of cd wicks from BCS. There was a big difference in size for the cd-16's, the ones from CS were smaller in size, so now I am wondering which is which?:confused:

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Maybe I was sent the wrong size wick too. Few weeks ago i order a roll of primed cd-16 wicking from CS, then i ordered a sample pack of cd wicks from BCS. There was a big difference in size for the cd-16's, the ones from CS were smaller in size, so now I am wondering which is which?:confused:

Melt the wax off with your heat gun if you want reassurance and hopefully you'll find they're the same underneath. You can't necessarily go by how they look with the wax coating on them. Wrong sizes happen but not every day.

If by any chance they are different, then it's a no brainer. The ones from CS are wrong. :)

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BCN's wicks are highly coated compared to other companies, so they do look much larger..

(I always test new batches of wicks. I have received incorrect sized wicks, also received 1000 zinc wicks instead of Hemp, so it does happen)

Here is another trick I learned to test the wicks.

Another way to test them is to take the back of a butter knife and with the same pressure scrape about an inch of the wax coating off, do like 10 strokes on each side of one of each of the 2 wicks and then compare the flattened width of the wicks.

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