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With excitement!!!!:yay: :yay: I just got off the phone with the General Manager of a HUGE Grocery outlet store and they want me to promote my candles at each store. They love my products that was purchased at a local mall. I can't believe it!!! So I had to make sure this was a legit company so I called the number back to make sure this was no joke. I have to make at least 1000 samples and ??? cases of candles to sell. I have to travel to these stores. I have no idea where they all are.., but that's ok. I don't even know if I can make that many samples, but I said yes, no problem. :shocked2: I hope I can do this. Any suggestions on what samples sizes of candles to hand out. That I can travel with. I will have to order my supplies. OH MY!:whoohoo: :whoohoo:

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Congratulations! Many years ago when I made candles for someone else, we would pour something similar to wickless tealight and she would use those for samples. It gave people something to sniff and also take home and use like a tart. We used glass votive cups and just poured a small amount into each cup...you could pour hundreds really quick. I don't remember how she displayed them...Ginger

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Thanks Everyone,

I am so excited when I told my hubby and mom they were freaking out as well. I guess I am not thinking as clearly as I should be, because on top of the 1000 samplers I also have to make my full size candles to have ready to sell and pack them around as well. The Manager said I would be on a Roadshow for 1 month to promote my candles. This is alot to consider, hubby says we need to get a business lawyer, so we will know more info. after Thursday because this Manager is presenting my candles to potential buyers that afternoon. I am working furiously to get a powerpoint presentation ready for this lady and she already purchased one of my candles. We are trying to figure out where and how we are going to store all the candles and make them. We are not equiped to make thousands of candles, but I am willing to try. I am terrified and exited at the same time.

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That is so exciting for you!!! But I must be missing something here. Why would you need 1000's of samples? Why can't you give the manager of each store a sample candle..........if they like the way it burns and smells, then that should be good enough. Or do they actually have 1000's of stores? Oh my, if that's the case, then I wish you 8 more arms and 48 more hours in each day :laugh2:

Good luck!!!

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I would do votives, good size to try and everyone has a votive glass. Why do you have to make a 1000 samples? Is this for all your scents? If so you might want to do the car scent type of thing. It will be cheaper and easy to travel. I have used heavy art paper and punched stars and hearts about 2" square, then put some scent on each and slide in a small cello. Ky has some Ziploc bags that feel like cello, I think the are 3x3. Good luck and congratulations.

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I am not quite sure why I need a 1000 samplers either. The lady just asked if I was able to supply that many, plus have full size candles to sell on the spot. She did mention they wanted to sell Yankee candles, but wanted a candle that was more environmentally safe and that is why they chose my soy candles.I just sent her my power point presentation, plus the benefits of Soy. I will know more info. Friday, but I am also having surgery to remove a cyst on my ovary that morning, so hopefully my hubby will talk with the lady, because I will probably not be able to talk, much less understand. I am not sure how many stores this company owns, but it must be alot. I have been researching this company to find out how many stores they have but so far have came up with they are in 37 states, but it doesn't state how many stores in each state. My hubby is concerned about doing a Roadshow with this company for a month. Are they going to pay for my travel? How many stores do I have to travel to in the month? How much is this going to cost me? I always feel things happen for a reason and things will work out, but that is alot. My hubby is concerned, but I always feel I can do it, no matter what, even if I have to work 24 hrs. to make candles.

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That's a lot of samples...huge red flag to me on that one. You're candles will sell themselves instead of giving out samples. Don't you think? Or maybe they want to give them away? If so, then they need to pay for giveaways IMO. Maybe I'm off, but 1000 is some serious cash on top of stocking stores.

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Congrats... You will be one busy candlemaker!!!:yay:

I would get something in writing about what they expect from you.

Especially for the travel part and who is paying..

Get all you business deals in writing before putting out all you money for product.

Especially since they are expecting so much product from you..

I also agree about charging for 1000 samples.

That is a lot to be expected to just give away!!

You might want them to pay for all the candles up front when they order.

Don't want to see you get stuck with tons of inventory if they decide they don't want to buy as many as they thought they would ...

Ya never know...

Business is brutal!!! Cover your butt!!!:grin2:

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I know that seems like a ton of money for me to make all those samples hopefully they will help me as what they expect and who is going to pay for all of it. I should get a call Friday or even tomorrow if they want my candles. If so, we are going to setup an appt. with a business lawyer and a financial advisor. I have only done the wholesale bus. on a small scale, nothing compared to the money that we stand to make. So we are going to make sure we don't get caught with our pants down. This is going to be exciting but we need to cover our butts... Thanks for the great advice, I have been praying that we make the right decisions.

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I have no clue about bar codes, but I am sure if it comes to that I will have to have everything barcoded. Right now I am getting my candles presented to a potential buyers meeting for new products for a Roadshow today. I have never done anything like this so I am ignorant about the procedures. I really feel there is hope for all of us little guys and gals. The best thing to do is to get your products out their for the world to see, you never know who is out their looking for new products. I really hope to hear something from this company today.. I will keep everyone posted on my venture.

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