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Oh oh....


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I think I might of goofed, but I'm not sure if what you'll see in the photos are just too much FO or too much oil......

It looks like a crocodile skin!!:laugh2:

I used 1 oz/pound of China Rain FO.. and it smells reallllllllllllllly strong, so my guess is that I have too much FO...

Do I need to rebatch?? Or can I cut it and hope it drys up... or????

Everything seems to be fairly solid though, by touching the top anyways....

Help please..



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The FO realllllllllllllly smells strong to me anyways, but again DH can barely smell it so...........

Overheating... I don't think so, as I kept my eye on it. When I felt it getting too hot I took the blanket off. But anything is possible!!

I guess I was just in panic mode!! :laugh2:

Thanks girls, I'll give this a couple of days!! :highfive:

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Well, I was really sick of smelling it!! :lipsrseal It smells ooooooooooooooooh so strong. So I cut it this morning, with an idea of either pitching it, or maybe remilling it with some shavings that I've made of my first 2 batches (which don't smell strong enough)??? question 1 (I've kept a few bars from those batches, but shaved up maybe 1/3rd of each batch)

Hopefully the pics will show this stuff riddled with oil. There doesn't seem to be too much zap. I think it's really just oil.

Question is... too much FO or just too much oil in general..:confused:



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I am a bit concerned that you said there was zap. Are you sure it is zap? By now there really should not be any, I believe. I never have had zap on any of my soap after 24 hours. If there is then rebatch. If there is no zap, I can't see too much oil on them a few look oily but that is just the way a batch is sometimes. Just let them sit for a few weeks and they will probably be fine.

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No there isn't zap per say. I can touch them with my bare hands and I'm fine.. and I've done the tongue thing... it just tastes god awful!!

They are just soooooooooo oily!!:shocked2:

I'll put them in another room and forget them for a couple of weeks.. and just see what happens...

I'll just try again, but I guess I'll have to modify the recipe a bit!!! lol

I'm certainly not using that same FO anyways!! It used to be one of my favs... but not anymore!! Yuck!! :laugh2:

Thanks for the input!!! :)

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I just recently made a batch that I was going to experiment with and just not cut it until later. ( I think it looks cool when people sell "by the slice") The soap was downright slimey with oil. I just left it and cut it anyway, about a week later. It too smells super strong ( lemon poppyseed ) but the oil it now gone and it is on it's way to being a keeper! Just hide it from yourself! I bet it will be ok.

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No I'm not sure it's safe, :embarasse but....

I checked on the BCN site and they said their China Rain is CP safe. I purchased mine from VCC in Ontario, Canada, hoping that it might be safe!! Wishful thinking maybe. :tiptoe: She doesn't list what is safe and what isn't unfortunately!! It's fantastic in M&P though....:lipsrseal Yea I know not the same thing..

It still didn't look much better this morning, so I've just taken everyone's advice, and stuck it in another room where I don't have to look at it!! Hopefully in a couple weeks time it might be ok.

Oh, I did try washing my hands with a tiny piece, and there was no zap... just reallllllllllly oily!!

What's really maddening, is that my swirl wasn't half bad.. on the top at least..:D

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No I'm not sure it's safe, :embarasse but....

I checked on the BCN site and they said their China Rain is CP safe. I purchased mine from VCC in Ontario, Canada, hoping that it might be safe!! Wishful thinking maybe. :tiptoe: She doesn't list what is safe and what isn't unfortunately!! It's fantastic in M&P though....:lipsrseal Yea I know not the same thing..

It still didn't look much better this morning, so I've just taken everyone's advice, and stuck it in another room where I don't have to look at it!! Hopefully in a couple weeks time it might be ok.

Oh, I did try washing my hands with a tiny piece, and there was no zap... just reallllllllllly oily!!

What's really maddening, is that my swirl wasn't half bad.. on the top at least..:D

unfortunatley every supplier is different and you should never assume that both are safe for CP, or even both are skin safe. :(

I love the smell of china rain too

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No I'm not sure it's safe, :embarasse but....

I checked on the BCN site and they said their China Rain is CP safe. I purchased mine from VCC in Ontario, Canada, hoping that it might be safe!!

It's a beginner's mistake. I've soaped stuff that was not labeled skin safe in the early days. It may be OK, just not tested for skin safety. I'm much more conscientious now. :whistle:

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Oh heck... you scared me there for a minute.....

I was wondering if I had checked for being skin safe....... Yes I did!! She does have pdf thingie with her fo's listed. And she does list if it's skin safe or not... just not CP safe!!

I assumed... and I assumed wrong possibly, for being CP safe!!:embarasse

Lesson learned!! :yes:

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If it's skin safe than it should be cp "safe" it just may not have ever been tested in CP. However it may not be appropriate to use in CP because of siezing, ricing, discoloring and a multitude of other problems that could occur.

I still say your soap will be fine eventually. Just have some patience and the oils will seep back in and it will harden up. Depending on your recipe it could take up to 4-6 weeks for that to happen, but I'm sure it will.

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The batch I had to throw away was ruined because when I washed my hands with it, it burned my hands. Even the liquid that seeped out burned, if this is what is going on, than there isn't anything that you can do with it. The lye is still active and is looking for something to attach itself to and the lye when contacted with skin will cause irritation because it is attaching to your skin. But if it is just FO than it shouldn't burn, but will absorb into the soap.

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