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I finally did it first batch yipppeeee


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Decided I was going to have to make myself make that first batch, it was cp. I had a blast. I hope it comes out good it sure smells good. I pulled out a little less than a cup and added cocoa for a swirl and scented the rest of the batch vanilla it almost has a coconut scent to it. I will get a pic of it late tonight or in the morning and post it. yipeeee

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Everything I read said that vanilla probably wasn't the best scent to use for a first batch and that it might darken up and could speed up trace but most of my scents I bought for candles and not alot of them are ok for soap and my vanilla is soap safe so I thought I would give it a try. How long should it be before I know how dark it's going to get?

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Everything I read said that vanilla probably wasn't the best scent to use for a first batch and that it might darken up and could speed up trace but most of my scents I bought for candles and not alot of them are ok for soap and my vanilla is soap safe so I thought I would give it a try. How long should it be before I know how dark it's going to get?

The vanilla was fine. The problem is you added the cocoa powder to part, so it will be dark, and vanilla to the rest, so it will be dark too. You'll have brown soap. The darkening starts right away but continues for weeks.

Next time, add the cocoa to the vanilla part (even though it will turn brown anyway, it allows you to see what you are doing when you swirl).


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Well it went to gell at least I think thats what it's doin lmao. It is definantly brown but as of right now you can still see the swirls. It's so ugly but I'm really enjoying this and it does smell wonderful. I think I will do the cphp tomorrow and use strawberry's and cream and swirl in the pot with a dark pink. Maybe it will look better. I will post a pic of my fugly soap tomorrow. I am so proud of it. it's gonna look like dog poo lmao

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I messed up on the pic before cutting still learning to use this camera but I posted cut pics.


Thank you everyone for all the encouragement and help you are so appreciated I don't think I would have tried it without all the support from everyone on here. Of coure now I'm addicted lol

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