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Can I substitute lard....


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for Palm oil??

The recipe in one of my books is:

and I've run it through the Soap calc...

Coconut 12 oz - 30%

Palm 6 oz - 15%

Castor Oil 10oz - 25%

Olive Oil - 8 oz - 20%

Wheat Germ - 4oz - 10%

Water 15.2 oz and lye 5.642 oz.

hardness - 36, cleansing - 20, condition - 59, bubbly - 43 creamy - 38

Ok.... I'm getting ready to place an order from a supplier here in Canada, and they have everything except for the Palm oil. They are out of stock..

So I was thinking, instead of going with my other supplier (more shipping charges, although I will if I have to) could I replace the Palm oil with Lard??

I've run it through the Soap Calc. and the only difference in the lye is: 5.638 and the soap qualities are:

hardness - 35, cleansing, condition and bubbly are the same thing as above, and creamy is 37..

This will be my first attempt at making CP and I would like something mild, that I can hand mill afterwards...

Or... am I better to try and get the palm oil elsewhere?? Or is there an even better substitue for Palm??


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This is fantastic news!! Yay!!!! :)

Ok. so I'm about to place my first order for oils and butters...to make CP..

I'm ordering coconut oil, Wheatgerm oil, castor oil (I already had some for my M&P but I need more), Shea Butter... Olive oil I can get at my local grocery store, as well as grapeseed oil

Is there any other suggestions for this first order?? I've got about $20.00 more to spare on this particular order..

What about Almond Sweet oil, or hemp seed oil, or cocoa butter...or are all of these just basically repeats of what I'm ordering already!!

I've been reading soooooooooooooooooo much in the last few days, my head is spinning, and I'm no chemist!!! lol

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I use hemp seed oil in my whipped butters because of it's properties, I hadn't thought of soaping it. Grapeseed oil has a short shelf life, I don't use it anymore at all. Cocoa butter is wonderful in soap...and just about everything. SAO is a great oil, I don't use it in soap but I use it in lip balm, whipped butters and sugar scrub. It's very versatile.

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Thank you, thank you!:)

I ended up ordering:

Coconut oil

wheatgerm oil


Sweet Almond Virgin oil and

some Shea Butter...

Just to get me started, and I'll also pick up some lard at the grocery store.. oh and some olive oil!!

So now just to sit tight, and wait for the order to come in!!

I should probably get caught up on some M&P or I'm running low on votives...

or just get some housework done!! :laugh2:

I've been fully engrossed in this CP beginning here that I have done nothing else but read, and research and try to learn as much as I can before taking the plunge!!

I'll report back here once I'm ready to begin to have everyone check my final soap calc calculations!!:smiley2:

Thanks again everyone!!!

You really are a great bunch of people!!:highfive:

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