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Anyone done them? Country Peddler/Handicraft unlimited Shows..


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I ask because i met them today at the Mid atlantic Crafter's Expo today, and was completely Surprised. I do alot of shows and have been for 14 years and i had seen them advertise alot but never hear about them from other vendors.

I figured this was a good oppertunity, so i asked how many customers attended theirs shows and was told "we don't say how many people aetted our shows because most promotors lie about their attendance"So i asked" well based upon last years numbers, how many people were at (XXXSHOW), was it 3 people or 30,000" And was told " what difference is if it was 3 buyers vs 30,000 who didn't buy?"

The woman who was there got very agressive about the whole thing, like it was wrong of me for wanting to know how many people paid to go into the show.. and the comment was made "you'll find out as a vendor"

So.. Who had been a vendor at these show's? is it really that secretive? . i personally like to know how many people i might meet so i have enough business cards, and yes, there is a big difference to me, between a show that has 50 people vs, 250,000 people.. both of which i have done..


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Guest EMercier

I've never been there, but I wish I'd known about the expo earlier than Thursday so that I could've made plans to go. I still should've went as I thought I had other plans. Other than that, how was everything else?

IMO, I would not want to deal with someone that keeps stuff like that private and then responds that way. They may not have good attendance. It's just been in my experience that when you have good attendence you make sure to let people know that.

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Well, if you want any info, i will be more than happy to share it.. i had hoped to learned alot more than i did. quite honestly, was not worth it to me.. 3 of us went and spent the $90 the big beni.. it was the "can we go together" line my Fiance used at a craft show to get my Number! LOL!(8 months ago)

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I have not done their shows personally but heard from vendors in another chat group that they also had buy/sell and that they did not do well in the Ocean City, New Jersey show. I would love to hear about your experience if you do attend one as a vendor.

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I have done one of the Country Peddler shows, Xmas time a year ago. They were at the tail end of all the other Xmas shows, so at that point everyone must have been burned out because the attendance was terrrible. It cost me $350.00 for a two day show and I only doubled that in sales. I've paid under $100 for a show and have done much better. They even tried to offer me half price this year for my booth and I turned it down. At one time this show was only offered to hand crafted merchandise vendors but the one I did was full of the bigger mass produced items. Not worth all the hassle. JMO

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We have 2 a year where I live.Huge turn outs but not sure if people are buying now.Companies are on strike, downsizing and closing.I didn't see alot of candles then but it has been years since I have been to one.Everything was very nice and expensive.I have a couple shows I can do for $250.00 and thinking about that but for now will stick with my $60-$150.00 shows.I make my money at those and not the high cost for a vendor. LynnS

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I did one of their shows last year in Maryland. They were unhelpful and the attendance sucked. It was a show in October...towards the end when all the craft shows are starting up. There were probably 150 vendors in four buildings. My particular building had 9 candle makers in it. I even had one right across from me and next to me. Imagine my surprise when I addressed them about it and they said "well that is the floor plan that was made for this show...no switching!!" Cost me $280 to do a weekend show and I vowed never to do a show with them again. On top of that....even though they advertise "hand made" crafts only. The other building had a lot of candle makers in them including Mia Bella candles that are pre-manufactured and re-sold at shows. The total show had 22 candle makers. When I asked them about why Mia Bella Candles were at the show....they said they needed to fill the spots to make the show look fuller. Not to mention there were Cingular Wireless dealers, Real Estate Agents, Insurance Agents and Home Interiors, Tastefully Simple and Arbonne. I would never do another one of there shows.



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I have never done one of their shows and am not familiar with them, but I can tell you this--if a promoter isn't willing to give even so much as an estimate of the number of people attending, I would not do business with them.

"we don't say how many people aetted our shows because most promotors lie about their attendance"So i asked" well based upon last years numbers, how many people were at (XXXSHOW), was it 3 people or 30,000" And was told " what difference is if it was 3 buyers vs 30,000 who didn't buy?"

That lady's attitude makes me absolutely furious. What's the difference between three buyers vs. 30,000 who didn't buy?-- Maybe the difference between someone making a mortgage payment and someone losing their house. That's the difference.

Most promoters lie about their attendance? Maybe so, but does that mean they still can't tell you how many people show up to theirs? That to me would be all I would need to hear in order to make my decision to run (not walk) the other way.

Typically, any promoter legitimate or not, will give you a number to go buy. The ones with at least a little honesty will tell you that they can't guarantee numbers, since they are totally at the mercy of the public. A good promoter should also be able to tell you how many returning vendors they get for their shows. That should give you an indication that at least some people are finding success at the shows. If nothing else, ask for references from the promoter.

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I've looked at their show here in Ohio and thought about going. Only problem is it is in an area and facility that I do with another promoter [different month] that only brings 2500-3000. I've wonder if it was the area or, as I was told by another vendor, the area has a lot of high quality craft shows at that facility, Peddler being one, and the people go for the bigger shows.

That said, I still want to know some numbers. I think it is rediculous for a show of their supposed caliber to refuse this info to vendors. Would think it would be a point of pride for them the numbers they draw. I need to know as a business person how much product to bring. I have my reputation at stake when I do a show.. I want to make the best presentation possible. As a promoter they should give their vendors the best possiblity to succeed. The take the money and run mentality will not get me in your shows. They will be at this facility next weekend and I plan to check them out. Will give a full report when I get back for those interested.

The CP in Fredricksburg TX [got family there and want to do this show] is VERY good quality and wall to wall people. Fri after Thanksgiving thru weekend. The Handcraft Unltd I think has split off from that for shows up North. Maybe the new name to allow the buy/sell/junk.. can't imagine that under CP.

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