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Liquid Soap Adventures

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Do you neutralize yours with a borax solution? I loved the consistency of mine before the borax, but after I added it it got a little too thick for my liking, and formed a skin at the top. I am boiling more water now to add to it.

You can cut back on the borax next time if it's too thick for you or adding more water works too.

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looks nice. I read that when you use a high percentage of soft oils the soap will form a skin. I do neutralize with borax and it becomes a gel which I like. I also use shredded soap for a thicker opaque soap and I don't neutralize that, it's my way of super fatting. With both I don't need a lotion after but I'm addicted to lotion :wink2:


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I followed his directions here, but used my own recipe.


The skin is gone too, I just had to let it sit undisturbed (you know how hard that is to do) for a few hours.

That's what I did. Used that technique with my own recipe. And I know what you mean about leaving it undisturbed...it's sooo hard.

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Do you have to use Borax? I don't like the idea of using it, besides I don't think I can get it easily here. Is there something else I can use to neutralize it?

You can also use Citric Acid but I haven't tried that yet. I have the book on liquid soaps and it says you can use either or but that Borax is chosen over the citric acid because it will also thicken your soap.

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I had no idea you could do this! I'm super confused but really curious about this! I just figured liquid soap was something big soap companies could only do.....with their big machinery and stuff. I don't get out much! :laugh2:

I use to think the same thing. It is a very interesting process and the end result is oh so nice just like CP soaps

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