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My sister tried my soap....


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I sent some at Christmas, this time without asking, and she called me today to say she likes it. She uses it in the shower and even washes her face with it!!! I know it's a gardenia, but gotta rush home and see which recipe it was!

I cannot tell you how exciting this is - my family is so critical it hurts (but they will never say anything mean, so there's a lot of silence around the house!).


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That's great. Hope she becomes one of your best customers. My Mom would not use mine until one day she was here and washed her hands with it. The she asked what brand it was!! Now mine is all she uses and she is my best sales rep. I have to watch her now because she always is cutting pieces off all of my soaps to try them out. LOL I would give her all the samples she wants if she would only ask.

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I have given my sister and brother more stuff over the last couple of years than I can count. I then see it unused laying around their houses. Sister finally tried my sugar scrub a while back. Now she can't get enough of anything I am working on. I don't know what was going on with them, but they've done a 360.

Glad to hear your sister finally tried yours!

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Unfortunately I didn't keep good notes and I cannot figure out which recipe I used! Or which FO! Fortunately all my soaps are mild and my sis will never know the difference, plus I have 6 more bars of the same so she'll be sick of it long before I run out - then she'll ask for something else!

Steph, can't you beg her to be one of your "tester"? And I love the "meds" part of your siggy!

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That's wonderful!! I remember when my family wouldn't try my soaps. Then one day they did now my mom can't get enough of them especially any with goat's milk in them. Glad to hear your sis likes your soaps!!!

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Hey CareBear, I'm going to see my mom tomorrow, and see if I can't "sweet talk" LOL her into at least trying one of the bars she has! I don't use commercial soaps anymore, myself. :grin2:

As far as the meds I take...well, I have to take them because of medical problems....but some are just plain good!! :laugh2:

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