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First of all, lemme tell you something Lady. You have come into a close-nit community and your first post is to try and bring one of our members down. It doesnt't show that you have interest in candles. It shows that she got to you. Cause if it wasn't a big fuggin deal, you wouldn't have let it get to you and taken the time to come to our community and post. Don't get me wrong, this board is open....but check out some of the other post, they are candle and bath and body related. Did I see you post about a wick or something...Don't think so.

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Soooooo, exactly how did you find this site?????? :confused: :confused:

Funny that you make it sound as though if company's "give" you their products for you to personally test and IF you deem them worthy of a positive review by you, then that will MAKE their business. :rolleyes2

I've never even heard of this e-mag/mag at all, neither has anyone I know, and as far as I can tell know one here has either, so you must not be as well known and popular as you imply.

I DO know though, that you did not come off very professional in your original letter and definitely not in subsequent exchanges.

Now you come here to stir the shit some more? Oh definitely professional-not! I guess it just got to you that someone finally actually called you on your scam huh?

People who take advantage of others for their own personal gain are the scurge of the Earth IMO.- ie. soliciting products from small home based businesses with the lure of bringing them fame and fortune all so you can get something for nothing. :rolleyes2

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I don't see how I made myself look bad by posting my side of the story here. But then again opinions are like ______ we all have them!

What you FAILED to do, was research further..but that's not surprising. Actually your emails and hers were posted in their entirety on this board. You should look for them. You might find that I am not the only one who feels the way I do. Your side of the story is no different than we already knew..this is old news to us, BizzyB posted EVERYTHING, which is why nothing you have said so far is a surprise, and your side of the story isn't doing anything but proving that what we already thought is true.

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Probably not if you purchased all the items. I guess what I am trying to say is yes, not everybody is going to like the site and I'm fine with that. When I said I have never spoken to anyone like her, I meant that she got so offended when I said I wouldn't pay for shipping. It's just not how businesses run. She didn't have to insult me and Cybelesays.com in her process of emailing me. And she did. I don't believe I insulted the way she does business. That's why in the second email I sent to her, I put "I hope you don't take this the wrong way..." but she did.

Anyway, I've said my side of the story and am quite happy that I got to post my side of the situation here. I was not trying scam her. You can see the magazine and our work right online. Common you guys it's a click away! :)

I still find it funny that her words that she typed to me were not even her own!!

Have a great night all! And yes, all the items we receive from EVERY company we feature are full size. Packaging is also written about in some reviews since it is part of the presentation of the product. And I only wish I had more room on the pages to feature every product in every feature. Still working on that ...

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I always want to learn more about candles. She brought the issue into this forum. Don't you think I should be able to voice my side? She did "Bash" my business. I should post the actual emails (she used words like "neophytes" and "flegling") here so you can see how honest she is in what she told you all here. I'd rethink the whole thing. After all, there are 3 sides to every story.

I just wanted to be able to voice my opinion on the subject. Isn't that aloud ?

Do you mean allowed as opposed to aloud?

I am sorry ladies, but Cybele should be allowed to post her view on this subject being that it involves her directly. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing or debating an issue as long as its done with tact. Anyone that posts here and adheres to the TOS should be allowed to post.

We all have our opinions on the matter, however~ it doesn't mean that we should all attack one person just because they don't agree with what our views are. I am not picking sides. I just believe that having a discussion is one thing~ but having a cat fight is something we don't need.

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And no all of our exchanges are not written here as she told you. She posted what she wanted you to see. That is what she wants you to think.

I don't claim to give them fame and fortune with a review in our mag! Come on! Just some publicity. And just because you have not heard of something makes it not legit in your eyes?? That makes no sense! The Internet is HUGE as you may not know.

I am not trying to change your minds about the situation - just give you my side. I should be aloud that much, geesh. I thought this was a forum.

She did not put every exchange on here for you to see, ok? I know you won't believe me but hey, that's life. Like you said in your post, not everyone is going to like you or your site, haha! And that's OK!! :)

Lighten up, it's like you people want to kill me here!

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I am sorry ladies, but Cybele should be allowed to post her view on this subject being that it involves her directly. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing or debating an issue as long as its done with tact. Anyone that posts here and adheres to the TOS should be allowed to post.

We all have our opinions on the matter, however~ it doesn't mean that we should all attack one person just because they don't agree with what our views are. I am not picking sides. I just believe that having a discussion is one thing~ but having a cat fight is something we don't need.

Agreed! However, Cybele foolishly assumed that we were not aware of all of her email exchanges with Beckie, and attacked as if we had been lied to, when in fact her story is exactly how Beckie portrayed it in the other related threads. A little research goes a long way..if she was going to take the time to find herself here on this board, she might have also taken the time to get "the rest of the story" while she was at it. I'm leveling the playing field, that's all.

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Cybele....No, the magazine is gone....Mainly due to we all went our own directions, I got into candles and my husband started running a radio station and started to pursue filmaking. All of the staff love what we choose to do. Half of them still work for my Husband for free on other projects. Our town isn't set up to succeed in hip hop. It was never about the money. We can fund whatever we choose to do.

Mystical, I agree about the posting within TOS. But let's be real, she had no interest in this site prior to this. I bet what happened is someone saw the post and said if BizzyB's wont do it, I will and contacted Cybele and enlightened her of the conversation.

My point is she doesn't give a hoot about nobody here but herself. I mean I wish her continued success with the magazine because I truly understand the work behind it. But she didn't have to come stir up the pot...The thread had died down.

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Agreed! However, Cybele foolishly assumed that we were not aware of all of her email exchanges with Beckie, and attacked as if we had been lied to, when in fact her story is exactly how Beckie portrayed it in the other related threads. A little research goes a long way..if she was going to take the time to find herself here on this board, she might have also taken the time to get "the rest of the story" while she was at it. I'm leveling the playing field, that's all.

Sharon, I completely understand your stance. :highfive:

But I don't think she just stumbled on CT. The internet is a vast place. I believe that someone emailed her directly and brought her attention to this forum. There is no way she would come here remotely if she was so busy editing her magazine.

Edited to add: U got it mizbizzyb!

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Sharon, I completely understand your stance. :highfive:

But I don't think she just stumbled on CT. The internet is a vast place. I believe that someone emailed her directly and brought her attention to this forum. There is no way she would come here remotely if she was so busy editing her magazine.

Touche!!~:highfive: ~

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why does it matter how I found this thread? The fact is I did and like I said before a few times, I did just want to voice my opinion. I am running a business and how would you feel if someone you had a run in with, if that's what you call this, bashed your candle business?? Personally insulted what you did? You'd want to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, your company that you've worked hard to develop.

And I do care what people think of what we do. We are for the people right? We are nothing without our readers. And I don't want someone mad at our site or me representing it. Yes, you can't please everyone but I feel this was a really unfair exchange. I didn't insult her business (well maybe by assuming she is small and does not make a lot of money. sorry about that. I am not in your finances so I don't know). And everyone's opinion is different when I use the term "not much money." I was just trying to find a common ground so she could see why I could not pay for shipping on the items.

I might come across one of you and your business in the future and would not want this exchange to sour your thoughts on Cybelesays.com. That's all. Not that it matters as you have all formed your opinions on this situation already.

In closing, I wish Bizzy Bee Candles continued success and hope that they give Illume a run for their money (someone needs to!). And I wish you could have kept your Hip Hop magazine going. I used to work as a publicist in music and we had a guy that would give CDs to his writers that we gave him for free as writer get all music free (and pot) as payment. It was called The Kronick and based in LA. You probably heard of it. I too come from the DIY thinking so I know the hard work you put into your business.

so please don't beat me up for giving my thoughts on the subject. I am just one person and you guys are like ... I don't know how many here.

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It doesn't matter how you found us, you're correct. Look..you walked into a den of protective Momma Lions. Your initial post raised the hair on the back of my neck, and I reacted accordingly. It's obvious that we are all in the same boat here..people who believe in what they do, and protect it with ferocity. I do believe that you would have done your business a great favor by letting sleeping dogs lie, or by using a different approach, but like everything else I've typed here, that's just my opinion. I'm sure you've noticed since you've been here, that there is a wealth of resource here for you and what you do... we've all been scammed and bashed and taken advantage of as we've tried to build our passions into dreams, you and your cause smelled an awful lot like something we ALL have tried very hard to avoid in our business, not something we'd embrace. Hopefully you can see this, and take it to heart..maybe it will help you in your future endeavors.

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It doesn't matter how you found us, you're correct. Look..you walked into a den of protective Momma Lions. Your initial post raised the hair on the back of my neck, and I reacted accordingly. It's obvious that we are all in the same boat here..people who believe in what they do, and protect it with ferocity. I do believe that you would have done your business a great favor by letting sleeping dogs lie, or by using a different approach, but like everything else I've typed here, that's just my opinion. I'm sure you've noticed since you've been here, that there is a wealth of resource here for you and what you do... we've all been scammed and bashed and taken advantage of as we've tried to build our passions into dreams, you and your cause smelled an awful lot like something we ALL have tried very hard to avoid in our business, not something we'd embrace. Hopefully you can see this, and take it to heart..maybe it will help you in your future endeavors.

Very well put!!!:highfive:

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Cybele, you have voiced your opinion.

As well as taken time out to use the private message system to send out a few thoughts of your own. You didn't find this thread on a google search. No one here is that naive. Trust me when I tell you this.

But you have to try and understand our view. You came on here and joined as a member for one reason, and ONE REASON only. Not to research candles, B&B or anything else. You are transparent. I do believe that you should be allowed to voice your opinion. Thus being said, you must also realize it would be almost like looking from the outside in. This is a tight group here and of course the members are going to stick together. If I was to post something on a board that you owned or administrated, I am sure the members would react the same way. This is why you are getting this reaction and it doesn't take rocket science to figure it out.

Good luck to you on your magazine. Don't let this little sampling of salt steer you away from a talented, helpful group of people.

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I totally understand your points of view with your group and how tight you are and you should be! And I did just sign up to voice my opinion and stand up for what I believe in. Is that wrong? Wouldn't you have done the same thing if it were your business? I think the answer would be yes.

I too have been scammed but I try to check out everything possible before letting someone have it. That's all. We have all been scammed before.

Just wanted have my say ...

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No need to gang up on Cybele. I don't see why it should be the insiders versus the outsider. This is a public forum and everyone is welcome here.

People should handle their own correspondence if they're serious and thoughtful about wanting to communicate something. Instead it turned into a bit of a game being conducted in the forums, and to be honest the word that comes to mind is busted, LOL.

There are 2 sides to every story and Cybele sounds pretty reasonable to me. If I were you folks I'd put the pitchforks down, make friends, and see if you can pursuade her to stick around. It would most likely be in your interest, plus I have a sneaking suspicion you might get to like her.

Sorry, JMO.

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Oh yeah definately what Indescent said!! Sounds like a scam. I would tell her that proffessional companies should understand that there are scams out there, and if you gave everyone something free, you would be broke! She should buy a tester plain and simple. Her loss.

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No need to gang up on Cybele. I don't see why it should be the insiders versus the outsider. This is a public forum and everyone is welcome here.

People should handle their own correspondence if they're serious and thoughtful about wanting to communicate something. Instead it turned into a bit of a game being conducted in the forums, and to be honest the word that comes to mind is busted, LOL.

There are 2 sides to every story and Cybele sounds pretty reasonable to me. If I were you folks I'd put the pitchforks down, make friends, and see if you can pursuade her to stick around. It would most likely be in your interest, plus I have a sneaking suspicion you might get to like her.

Sorry, JMO.

she can be the official tester and we'll send all our stuff to her :P will you half shipping with me Cybele plsssssssssssssss

Edit: Disclaimer: I don't drink, smoke or do drugs 11_12_12.gif

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