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Pouring Techniques

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I'm wondering if any of you experienced candle makers would share how you pour your candles. I'm still pretty new at this, but I think I may be using an extra step. Currently, I melt my wax in a melting pot, add FO and dye in a separate can and then add the wax to the can. Then I pour the wax from the can into my pre-wicked glass container. I tried pouring directly into the jar, but it's difficult to mix the wax with the scent and dye in the jar without dislodging the wick. If I mix the scent and dye with the wax in the melting pot, then I have to clean the pot every time I change scent/dye. Is there a standard way of doing this or do most have their own preferred way? Thanks, Mike

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I pour them from my double broiler type set up, into pyrex glass pouring cups add dye, add FO then pour from there into the jars. That way I can melt a lot of wax but try out different scents at the same time by using several different pyrex glasses. Just how I like to do it for now since I don't make tons of candles at a time.

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but it's difficult to mix the wax with the scent and dye in the jar without dislodging the wick. If I mix the scent and dye with the wax in the melting pot, then I have to clean the pot every time I change scent/dye. Mike

Mix your FO & color into your wax before pouring into the container. I don't think the FO will incorporate into your wax very well doing it in the container. The FOs need to be added to the wax at an appropriate temp and mixed well.

Then take papertowels and wipe down the pouring pot while it's still hot. If the pot cools off, you can also heat it up with a heat gun, in the oven or in a pan of hot water and wipe clean..only takes a minute. HTH

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I have also melted my wax in the larger pot, poured the wax into a recycled veggie can with a pour spout bent into it with pliers. That's where I mix FO & color for small amounts, ex. 1 candle. After I pour into the prewicked container, I put the can upside down to let the rest of the wax come out. Not too bad to clean after that.

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I have also melted my wax in the larger pot, poured the wax into a recycled veggie can with a pour spout bent into it with pliers. That's where I mix FO & color for small amounts, ex. 1 candle. After I pour into the prewicked container, I put the can upside down to let the rest of the wax come out. Not too bad to clean after that.

This sounds too time consuming....when I make 1 candle, I still use my 2 lb pouring pitcher....mix color and FO in there and pour directly into jar....use a couple of paper towels like Pam suggested to wipe it clean and then your good to go.

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I still use my 2 lb pouring pitcher....mix color and FO in there and pour directly into jar....use a couple of paper towels like Pam suggested to wipe it clean and then your good to go.

This is exactly what I do, also. But if I'm changing FO's, I will go a step further and clean my pouring pitcher with soap and water. No biggie.

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I melt my soy wax in my presto pot, then pour that into 3 cup measuring cups (I got some plastic ones at the Dollar Store) then I add my FO and dye and let it cool til slushy. I then pour into my containers. I wipe out the measuring cups with paper towels then wash the cups with hot soapy water.

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I may be too sleepy to be understanding this, but it sounds like Mike is doing just like everyone else is, only using a can. And I think it may be better to put your wax in first before adding the dye and FO.

Mnhorsemom, how can you use plastic? I tried that and the wax melts it!

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The plastic has to have a 5 on the bottom. You can cook in the micro with that kind. I first heard about the 5 in the triangle when I made soap. Lye and all went in the pitcher heat in micro stir and pour. Now I use plastic pots of all my candle mixing. I use soy wax and have heard you can not put it in the micro wave to melt.

Anyway I melt in a presto or turkey fryer. Pour hot wax in my 2.5 plastic pitcher, measure in FO and color. Mix and pour right away for tarts wait till it cools for candles and pour right into jars.

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I have always just added the dye then FO to my double boiler, sure to mix it well, and then poured into my mold or container. If there is any extra wax in my pot, like less than a half an ounce(an amount that I can not use by whipping out a tart tin), then I just pour it in my trash(over my garbage, so mah garbage bags don't melt haha)... Then... I just toss a couple paper towels on a cookie sheet and put the pot upside down on the towels and throw it in the oven at the lowest temp(200deg) for a couple minutes. The paper towel catches the wax when it melts, and then I just give it a final wipe with another towel.

I guess im just lazy, haha


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