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Wickless Candle Sales?


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Do these sell well? I've been thinking about adding them to my product list but I never see these being sold so I'm not sure how well they would do. Maybe it is specific to my area, or maybe I just don't see them because everyone is always sold out! :)

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2005 I only sold 2.Decided not to do them 2006.BUT did have people tell me that they could use my wicked candles on a warmer.They had used other candles like that.I sure jumped in and said you MUST take off the warning label.They understood but had no idea to do that.

I think tarts are fine for wickless.I have had some last for days and even over a week.Not much wax that way to throw out.I did kinda get a couple vibes that some weren't impressed with wickless when I said throw away the used wax. They asked the question???What do you do with the leftover wax???

Where I live in 2005 people did not seem to know about them.Maybe I had a couple of people say they brought them and one guy put his on a timer.When he got home from work the house smelled good.Not musty.


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I sell a lot of them, the wickless tins that is. I have one lady who uses a warming plate and my tins in her office, which of course set into motion more people liking them and wanting some of their own for office as well as home. My husband is on the other side of the world in Korea, living in the barracks, and has the plate and tins going anytime he is home and that got the ball rolling for some of the other soldiers wanting some for their rooms, because lets face it, barracks dont smell that great lol.

Now I will say if it werent for those two people using my product (and in turn getting me customers for the same thing) I'm not sure how well they would sell because at my open house, a lot never heard of wickless candles and while a couple bought them, most still went with the wicked candle.

I will also add that the way you market them can make a difference as well, I have a little thing talking about dorms, barracks, offices ect where you dont want a flame.....etc etc. I live next to a college town and know a few of the students there and they love the idea of the plates/tins so I'm doing a little show for them and will concentrate on my wickless line for them.

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I make wicked candle tins. Many of my customers use them on warmers and never take the warning label off. The Levine electric warmers just do not get hot enough to even brown the label. If a warmer ever got hot enough to burn the paper label, I would not want to use it. No need to make wickless tins. Carole

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