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my new jar and label..tell me what ya think


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I've been working on a new jar and now I have been messing around with a new label this past week. I had the hardest time figuring out a picture to put on my labels (I'm not very creative when it comes to labels) and still not sure about it but I had seen a picture of soybeans on the net, well of course I can't just use that so I decided to take my own picture with some soybeans I had in a jar and just lay them on the table and snap a picture anyways, let me know what you think or give me any suggestions for changes...the bottom warning label has the candle ounces on it and was also trying to figure out if I should just have the scent on the warning label or leave it on the front.



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Good luck with that jar if it's the 12.25oz. I never could get that sucker wicked to burn properly.

I like the scent on the front personally, but I don't like the soybeans. How about using your logo or something that goes with the scent? You might also want to check the spelling on the scent, I think it's transversed.

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I like your labels - the font looks good and I like the fragrance on the big label and the weight on the bottom with the warning label...

However, the beans do nothing for me. I think you would be better served to use an illustration of the scent if you don't have a logo... like for the Mountain Lake, an illusrtation of a mountain lake would look nice... or for Christmas Tree, use a Christmas Tree... or for Bare Naked, a classy nude...

I think you are very close here!! I particularly like the clear labels on that jar rather than paper ones - looks very classy. :D

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I like the label. This is the same jar that I am using and until now have just put a label on the jar lid and the warning on the bottom. Good job! I have come to find that alot of people don't want a label on their candle jar. This is a great alternative to no label and doesn't stand out too much.

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Thank you all for your input and of course I am embarassed:embarasse that I spelt Mountain wrong DUH ME!!!

Anyways... I would love to put a pic of what each scent is on the label but where do you get pics from that can be used on your product without it being a copywrite issue? Otherwise using a logo would be fantastic but don't have a clue about making one let alone what it would be. Any ideas? Or where to start?


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Try Googling "free graphic downloads" or when you know the subject - like Mountain Lake, use that search term in Google images and see what you find... If you see a graphic that interests you, and it is copyrighted, you can always write to the photo owner and ask for permission to use it - all they can say is Nope. :D

Here's what I found for Mountain Lake...


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I like the font & I like that they're clean & sharp. I'm indifferent about the picture - don't think it looks bad, but is hard to see w/ that color. What if you used a picture of a candle flame? I tried using individual pics for each scent & gave that up very quickly. Also, I would think you need to put the ounces on the label. Is that a metro jar? I've been trying to decide new jars to use in '07 & am 99% sure I'm going w/ frosted metros.

Good job - Susan.

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I think your label looks really nice! What kind of label is that? Where do you get those from?

I actually got those labels off here from someone that did a co-op and they had some left over so I bought what they had left to just play around with. They are the clear labels-full sheet- I used avery template 5196 and then cut them.

I did up my font size on the scent name - Mountain Lake -Just wanted to show I can spell it LOL :wink2: And still trying to figure out a another pic to use instead of the soybeans but am at a lose.


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