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Does anyone know if there is a Candle Makers Software????


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Does anyone know if there is a candle makers software available? Something that will track supply inventory and maybe do a cost analysis. I'm using an accounting software that track inventory as far as the finished products are concerned but would really like something that tracks supplies such as wax, FO's and so on. Is there such a thing out there?????

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Once upon a time there people here who talked about it. It may have fizzled, but there might be someone with an interest in putting one together ... might is the operative word. So the same questions as before would be asked ... if there was one, what would you want to see on it?

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I don't know of anyone who does a software program for candles. However, for about an hour maybe of your time, you can use a program i'm sure you already have....Microsoft Excel. You can design your own spread sheet and have it do anything you want. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to be able to work it either. You can probably learn enough to make a simple spread sheet to track anything thing you want with candles in about an hour.



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Once upon a time there people here who talked about it. It may have fizzled, but there might be someone with an interest in putting one together ... might is the operative word. So the same questions as before would be asked ... if there was one, what would you want to see on it?

hmmm.... good question. For me, the big issue is inventory, something that would track supplies as they are used and a cost analysis for the finished product would be nice. I can't tell you how many times I've went to fill and order only to realize that I was either out or almost out of something that I needed. It's a real pain in the butt (not to mention that the customer is waiting), I've tried making notes to order this or that when I see that we are running low but it would be so much eaiser to have a program that would help me master this glich in our business.

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Thanks for the link. My daughter handles the "soap" end of our business so I think this will be great for her. When she gets the program I'll check and see if I can use it until somethings available for the candles.

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You can also check I believe www.soaphutch.com. I think I saw that Rich has the one I was going to get my candles and didn't get around to it. HTH

I just read through the info about this software and it sounds great. Do you know anyone that has used it? Sounds too good to be true! Anyone?

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I was reading also and it looks like you can try it for free. The trial is the full version just allows you a limited amount of entries. I am in the process of installing it now then gonna give it a try. From all the different ones I have found this one looks the best and is the most expensive. But hey if it works well this will be awesome.

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I downloaded it and it looks very simple to use. You can only add 15 on each of the areas, so it won't last long for me without buying it. Especially in the customers section lol.

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I downloaded it too and spent the last few hours going through the tutorials. I am really impressed, has a lot of the "bells and whistles" I was looking for. It might seem a tad expensive to some but for me I think it might be worth it ... seems like it'll save a lot of time and head-aches. I'll also be waiting to hear about the "soap makers software" before I make a final decision. Thanks for all the input.

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I agree this program is great. :yay: I think I might have to break down and get it. DH is gonna hate the price but hell he hate all my scents also, sucks to be him. :D It is going to be a hugh help and a lot cleaner than all the different excel files and print outs I have. The time I save alone will be worth the price!

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I downloaded the soapmakers one, had trouble with windows installer but finally got it to go, the free trial one. Also downoaded the crafters one but just going through it real quick I think I like the soapmakers better. Will know later when I have more time to check both out.

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The features offered by this software are provided by Quickbooks Premier. The reports I get are awsome.. can compare the cost/profit of a show from year to year, see my best sellers and profit makers, get the average cost of a production item [like a candle] see low inventory, create purchase orders, sales orders, invoices and even create a quote that can be invoiced as items sold. That feature was nice when I was in a craft mall.. everything I took there was on the quote and as things sold, invoiced those items and it matched my check from the mall owner.

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