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Please help me pick out a mold


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Now that Christmas is fianlly over, I am going to bite the bullet and get a bigger mold. I really like the Tog Molds with the liners. I saw some from Mrdoright123 on ebay that has the cutter with it and the Upland molds, but holy cow, those are expensive. I am thinking I want one that can cut as well(my cutting sucks). I kind of want a slab mold, but then I dont know how straight I can cut that. I know I dont want more than 6 or 7lbs.

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I don't get why people spend big bucks on molds girl.. I picked my packaging and what size i want my finished soap to be - and built molds around that. You can sweet talk the guys at the lumberyard to make all the cuts for you, and all you have to do is put it together.

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You can also go to ... oh shoot ... KAROL ... help me out here ... I think it is (coming back if it isn't to change the link lol) and get yours custom made.

Nevermind ... it's www.soaphutch.com ... I got a 4 lber for a very reasonable price IMO and it's linerless ... whoo hooo! (Still gotta use it, but Karol got one too and she has used hers)

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Ok I going to add the this. Rich is wonderful to work with. I am working with him for creating me a 16 bar slab mold similar to the kelsei mold that I don't like and have put away. I just love the log mold that Rich makes. You could also try misty creek slab mold too (which I have now). lol I need to stay away from you guys. If it isn't FO than it is molds and then there are theses swaps. Hmmmm I wonder what all this makes me. ROFLMAO

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I just got a new Upland today.....:o Yep, I am a moho. You should see my cupboards.....it is downright embarassing!

I have some pinks, purples, and lotsa golds

cinnamon bun, pie crust and ginger fellow molds....

I have ice cream scoops but no doggie poops (yet)

and molds that haven't even gotten wet!

Some of my molds are made with urethane,

some of my molds people think are just plain.

I buy one more mold, my husband will snap!

Oh well, I'll make soap and not deal with his crap!! :D

Sorry for the very bad poem....got on a roll! Did I mention that I have alot of molds? :wink2:

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I built almost all my molds myself. Almost lost my left thumb in the process, but they are all mine and I love them. I bought my Misty mold out of the classies cause I am a AD HO. The is the only mold I have ever purchased. I keep thinking of how many FOs and how much shea butter I could buy with $150 for 1 mold. Folks know me as the BUTTER HO. I am not however a BUTT HO, even though mine is quite rotund (as DH calls it) so someone can feel free to spend the $150 toward a Bowflex for me. Does that make me a BO HO?

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Ok Bunny and Eugenia, you just come right on over and give me(and my husband) a lesson on making a mold. :D I have been begging him to make me one or else I would go and buy one. I will just say that a garage full of power tools is NOT a safe place for me.

Decide what size you want your bars to be. Let's say they are 3 x 2. If you wanted to make 12 bars, multiply 3" x 3 bars = 9". Multiply 2" x 4 bars = 8".

So, a wooden box with the inner dimensions of 8" x 9" would make you 12 bars of 3 x 2" soap. Get the base piece cut, then the side pieces and nail or screw them on.

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