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My first layer


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Decided to make a home made slab mold and try layering. I am pleased with the layer, came out smooth and didn’t bleed through. Scented Rosemary Mint. Not sure if I like slab molds though, it doesn’t fully gel. My soap is usually ready to cut the next day, but this was very soft due to the non gel. :undecided Personally I like to gel. May have to throw it in the oven next time :tongue2:


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To help with the gel, try warming your mold before pouring into it. May be a little difficult with layering, not sure. Anyway, I preheat my oven to 170 and then put the mold in. Take it out to fill, cover and insulate and I'm good to go. Oh and to insulate, I put it on top of one folded towel or a big piece of styrofoam cooler I have) and then drape with towels nice and thick - be sure to get those sides tucked in!

ETA: I have trouble getting my log molds to gel completely...

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Now mine didn't work as well as yours. I won't say it bled, it just didn't happen to end up as even. I really like those.

The secret, as far as I hve determined, is to actually pour at pretty thin trace. And make two separate batches so that while one is setting up in the mold you make the other. I'm no expert but this is what works for me:

I measure out all the oils for both batches and melt and mix both and let sit to room temp. I make the first layer and pour. Then I clean my bowls and the area and drink a cup of coffee and then make the second layer and pour that, also at a pretty thin trace. The first layer should have solidified up enough to stay all together, but when adding the second layer, pour over the back of a spoon or ladle the soap on so that it won't disturb the first, just in case.

I'm still working on my timing but I think I've kinda got it. When you get my MANGO LASSI from the TSW swap you can see an example.

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