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Sad about my M&P soap...


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Well I used my bar today the lather it had while it was still 'warmish' is gone. Smells really good though. But it was quite drying and the lack of lather was discouraging. I wonder if adding cyclo would help.

I guess, at least my skin smells great. I'll just need to package my soaps with an after bath lotion or oil spray of the same scent to help get some moisture to the skin.

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Well I used my bar today the lather it had while it was still 'warmish' is gone. Smells really good though. But it was quite drying and the lack of lather was discouraging. I wonder if adding cyclo would help...

Aww, sorry about your soap :awww: But at least you smell good!

What do you mean by "warmish"? You didn't let if fully harden before you used it? Was it wrapped?

All I know how to make right now is M&P, and I'm in no way an expert, but everything I've read this far has said to "wrap as soon as set/cooled to prevent moisture loss/sweating" I wrap mine in plastic as soon as it's cool to the touch & I love adding extra oils just to see what'll happen. Some made my skin feel great & others just created a kind of "oil slick" ..too much for me, but great for DH's sensitive dry skin.

I have no idea about the cyclo, though...but keep at it, you may just discover the secret to super-moisturizing M&P :D


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Yeah I wrapped my bars right away. But when I had left over in my pouring container I let it cool a little and rolled it into a ball. So when I tried out that little ball the soap was still warmish and it lathered really well, but the actual bars that I let sit didn't. So when I used that little ball of soap I thought my bars were going to be great.

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I use WSP M+P White and Clear Bases. I only add 1 T PP unrefined Shea Butter to my mix + FO. I have used this same blend for over 6 yrs. and I cannot go back to store soaps. After I unmold my soap I let them dry in a rack for at least a week or more before I package them. I always use a pouffie in the shower and get great lather.

I have used other brands that made my skin feel dry and itchy after using.

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I use SFIC base. I add 1 T pp of a Kukui Nut Oil & Vit E blend.

I personally found that the SFIC base lathers much better for me than the BCN base. Ingredients can be very different from base to base.

That said, I also found that when you start to exceed the 1 T pp of additives, you will begin to diminish the lather.

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I have toyed with MP base for years. I never add any oils at all and my lather is fabulous. I do add various dry milks, honey, and sometimes botanicals. SFIC base is the absolute best. I am sorry that your soap did not turn out the way that you had hoped.

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Has anyone tried leaving M&P unwrapped for a length of time with any success?

As in no sweating and shrinkage?

All MP will shrik over time whether wrapped or unwrapped. I never have sweating issues at all. I leave my MP unwrapped sometimes for over a week because I am too busy to wrap it immedietly. I keep them all covered of course and when I have to time I wrap them I do it. I never have sweaty soap with SFIC base. I did have slightly sweaty soap when I used the base from The Chemstry store.

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All MP will shrik over time whether wrapped or unwrapped. I never have sweating issues at all. I leave my MP unwrapped sometimes for over a week because I am too busy to wrap it immedietly. I keep them all covered of course and when I have to time I wrap them I do it. I never have sweaty soap with SFIC base. I did have slightly sweaty soap when I used the base from The Chemstry store.

I agree. There is no way you can avoid some shrinkage. Because of the water content, you will have a certain amount of evaporation that can't be avoided (even if your soaps are wrapped).

My soap often sits for a week or more before the logs are cut and wrapped, and I live in a high humidity climate. My studio sits one block off the ocean.

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I think sweating must depend entirely on the humidity in your area. I always keep 10 lb tubs of various scents of m&p sitting out unwrapped in the front of my shop. They never sweat, although over time they do shrink, just like HP or CP will do.

I transferred a batch to another room to take photos and left it there over the weekend. When I came back, sweat had appeared on the soap in the back room. It was on some of the very same scents that I had in the front of my shop with no sweat.

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