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Pink Sugar Discoloration ?

Erin Lea

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Is there anything that can be done to stop Pink Sugar from turning body products brown? I wasn't aware that it did this...made lotions a few nights ago (no dye, just white) and now I've read two threads that have mentioned the discoloration. My lotion hasn't turned colors...it's still white, but I'd rather know for sure if it's going to happen so I'm not surprised!

Do people buy/want/use brown Pink Sugar products? I can't imagine!!! lol...might have to rename it Nasty Sugar :D

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I always add pink coloring to my pink sugar lotion and have never noticed discoloration. Soap, however is a very different story. I will not use pink sugar in soap. I tried it once and the soap turned a heinous color on me, so I will not waste my time on that again.

You can buy vanilla stabilizers that are supposed to prevent your products from turning colors on you. I purchased a bottle, but never used it. It had such a strong odor, which the supplier said would disappear, but I didn't want to risk it.

Some people who use stabilizers say it doesn't work and others say it does. At least you know a product exists now and you can try it for yourself.

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My customers don't seem to mind the color. I've noticed that different suppliers' versions of Pink Sugar change different colors too. Peaks' turns it pink, while Daystars turned it brown. I just let my customers know it's a natural reaction because of the vanilla and they don't mind at all.

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