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** What's in your pot this week/end? **

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Anyone finally relaxing a bit and trying something new? I'm all done with shows for the year (the last one was a stinker lol), so now I'm just working on Christmas presents. One soap log for my nephew - unscented, uncolored.

Then cleaning up the basement, unpacking the booth stuff from the car, and playing with lip balms. Tangerine tangerine tangerine yum :)

Have a great weekend everyone!

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I am all done with shows too. I am awaiting a case of 50/50 so I can make 50 (4)oz tins for my boss to give out as Christmas presents.

I am also working on a web site.......not sure if I am ready for that?

Gotta finish Christmas shopping for my son. I spent more on my daughter than I had planned so I either have to do extra for Josh or take some stuff back that I got Lauren.

We are also trying to get our coffee shop/ice cream parlor ready and opened for Jan. That is exhausting in itself. We just ordered all of the machines that we will need, and all I can say is WOW....I thought candlemaking was expensive!!!

We are also sitting idly waiting to hear about the little boy I keep who was abducted on Monday.

I hope all is well for each and everyone of you and that you stay safe this weekend.

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Nope! A last chance show on Saturday and while Rockin does it, I will be here making up other stuff to get out. I have some bayberry to do for someone and have to redo some Drakkar in soap ... (man this stuff is good!) And several other things. So I should get right on thaT!

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