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HTP Wicks

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Doesn't seem like many here like/use HTP wicks, but I was wondering if the difference between the HTP104 and the HTP105s is a big difference. I think maybe my mind is playing tricks on me because when you think 104 and 105 there wouldn't be much difference in size compared to say HTP93 to the HTP104's.

Am I taking the numbers too literally?


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Kelly, I use the HTPs in some of my candles but not all. There is a difference from 104 and 105. I don't think the jump from that size to the next is a big one, but they're not so close to be almost interchangeable either. Haven't tested the 93 much, so can't help you there.

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Thanks, that basically what I wanted to know. If the difference between the 104s and 105s was enough to make a difference or if I should jump even higher, but I'll give the 105s a whirl.

Thank you very much for your reply!! Very much appreciated.

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I'll tell you everyone has their preference but I have tried all the wicks and I certainly pick CD's over HTP's as far as ease of use. I always have great luck with them. With HTP's I have to always make sure the direction they are facing and that gets to be a pain after while. Plus their aren't as many variables to work with. They are good wicks but almost more finicky to work with especially with testing. I usually keep HTP's for backup with simple jobs.

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Ah is that why my candles burn quicker towards one side? The hang up usually catches up, but I guess I didn't really put two and two together. So the CD wicks don't curl like the HTPs do? I have ECO's too, but I think those curl too, maybe not as much as the HTPs.

I guess I will get the CD's a try since they have been recommended so much.

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Ah is that why my candles burn quicker towards one side? The hang up usually catches up, but I guess I didn't really put two and two together. So the CD wicks don't curl like the HTPs do? I have ECO's too, but I think those curl too, maybe not as much as the HTPs.

I guess I will get the CD's a try since they have been recommended so much.

HTP and CD wicks both curl and they're very similar. You could say CD is the German knock-off of the HTP design from Atkins & Pearce.

If you want an idea of relative wick sizes within and between these two lines, look up the yield numbers on the Wicks Unlimited site.

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I currently use HTP wicks and like them! I've found if you twist the wick it helps with the lopsided burn. I read somewhere on one of the forums that if you twist the wick once for every inch of the diamater of the candle it helps so I gave it a shot and it does seem to work for me. I use an HTP 93 for most of my fragrances in 8 oz jars. I noticed quite a difference between it and the 104 when I tested. With a 93 I have a hangup for the first couple of burns but it eventually catches up but when I wicked with a 104 the jar got VERY hot. My backup wicks are ECO's. As far as the difference in the 104's and 105's there isn't a huge difference but there is some difference. HTH

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Interesting. So how do you do this twisting thing? Just while it's in the tab twist the wick? I don't know how it would stay in place and not unravel. What is the secret to placing these wicks in there for an even burn. I really shouldn't complain though, my candles don't really have the much hang up but I don't like the MP is a little lopsided and would like it to look more even. If anyone has any advice for me I'd appreciate it!

Also, I ordered CD wicks to give them a try, but I really like the HTPs so if I could learn a few helpful tricks that would be great especially since someone posted that the HTPs and CDs are very similiar.

Thanks everyone so much for the informative posts!!

UPDATE: I tried twisting a wick to see what would happen and the wax coating kind of crumbled off, so I'm not sure that will work for me, or I'm twisting it wrong!

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I grip it by the end of the wick close to the base but not by the base so the wick doesn't pull out of the base. Then I grip it by the other end and just do 3 twists for example if its a 3 inch jar. The wick will have a slight twist in it, not a really tight twist. Then when the wicks are trimmed before each burn the bend is on a different part of the jar during each burn.

Yes some of the wax will crumble and I was worried about it when I first tried the whole twisting thing, but when I tested it there were no problems with the burn. I did a search and found some other posts about twisting wicks. I do not twist my wicks as tight as the one in the picture in the first post.



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Kelly, I use J223 wax, so I don't know if this will help, but i use htp 104in my jars that have a 2 1/2 in. opening--total jar diameter 3 in. ( 8 oz JJ) and the htp 105's in a jar that has a 3 in. opening--total jar diamet 3 in. (pint jar)

I get a great melt pool, scent throw is great, no problems with the burn. :)

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7 Paws: Yeah that's what I was testing was the 104's in the 8oz jelly jars with the 2 1/2" diameter. Behind the wick (the backside) there is a little hang up, which usually catches up, but where the wick curls and the sides I get a great MP in the correct amount time it should take. It's just that stubborn backside that's bothering me.

If someone didn't give the first burn 3 hours I have a feeling the hang up would be much worse and not catch up. I can't watch over everyone that burns one of my candles to make sure the first burn is 3 hours. I really like how little they smoke when blown out and how little soot, I think these wicks are great but for whatever reason they just aren't working the way I want them to.

Maybe (if our camera comes in the mail tonight) i'll post pics, but hopefully I am describing the problem well enough?


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I will, but I think it'll be too hot. I've also considered putting them slightly off center so that it would burn a little more even. But if I put them a off center in the wrong direction that could be bad! :)

They'll always curl towards the arrow-up side, or the upside-down V side, like this:





That wick would be curling towards you.

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Well I wish I had a wick in front of me right now but I thought both sides look like:





I guess I'm probably wrong! So one side looks like the 'graphic' your provided and the other side should look like:





?? Am I understanding right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, my first post. I have been testing for a few months, and am trying to sort out some wicking. I have read many posts about HTPs curling towards the side with the ^ pointing up. I don't get it. :undecided If you take that same wick and turn it upside down, won't it curl towards the same side, which now has the V pointing down? Or, is there some way to tell which end of the wick is supposed to point up?

Secondly, I assume that these principles also apply to CDs. (I have done all my testing to date with CDs).



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If you take that same wick and turn it upside down, won't it curl towards the same side, which now has the V pointing down? Or, is there some way to tell which end of the wick is supposed to point up?
No, the two ends curl in opposite directions. It doesn't matter which way you put the wick in, it will always curl toward the side with the ^ pointing up. The same is true of all flat braided wicks, including CD, LX and ECO.
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