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Soap Silly Wholesale Supplies


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Hi everyone,

Have any of you purchased from Soap Silly Wholesale Supplies before? I made a purchase at the beginning of November for some samples, they have so really great sounding scents and I was very excited to try them. I've sent several messages regarding my order to the company and finally got a response last week saying they were shipped on the 13th of November. I still do not have them and I can not get a return email and there is no answer when I call the number listed, not even an answering machine :undecided

I just wanted to know if anyone else has dealt with them before, as I'm at the point where I want my money back since these scents can not be tested in time for my 2007 release :cry2:

There site is http://soapsillywholesalesupplies.com/



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I've ordered from Johanna a few times (I know what you're thinking Cindy, "what a surprise") and had problems with one order that was supposed to have shipped but hadn't. She corrected it quickly, but yes I had some trouble getting in touch with her too. I finally PMed her over at the Dish and she got back to me.

Sorry you're having trouble though, that stinks.

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dont' bother trying to pm her on the dish anymore, either her box has been full or she has disabled her box!!!! After I couldn't get through that way I emailed, that didn't work either, no response!

I will say at one point she pmed me back (before her box was full or disabled) and CLAIMED that she would resend the order out again the next day. Well that 2nd box went out 10 days ago and I'm yet to get that one!

I originally ordered on the 8th of November and just got THAT box FINALLY yesterday!!!! Of course they leaked all over. Lost a good oz of the one, sticky tape, sticky peanuts, sticky mess. Mailman brought it to the door in a garage bag and asked if still wanted to accept it! Heck yea, I've been waiting FOREVER but was nervous to open it!

Yes, I agree, nice stuff, crappy customer service and I will not be reordering! There are plenty of suppliers to value my orders and then out in a reasonable time frame. I have placed probably 6 orders from other GREAT suppliers since the 8th and none have taken anywhere NEAR that long. I just don't buy any sort of priority taking over 3 weeks to get here. :mad: :mad: Trust me Vanilla, I feel your pain bigtime!

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Its not just the bad customer service. It is REALLY slow shipping. How can an order for one FO take over 3 weeks for me to receive after paying with paypal??? It was not out of stock and I never received any replies to several emails. I totally agree that there are numerous suppliers who value my business. I am not particularly picky with shipping time. I am actually pretty relaxed about that. If I get an order in a week to 10 days, I am a happy camper.

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Hi ladies,

I'm so sorry that you feel that way.

I've been having a few problems with USPS since October.

The holiday season is pretty busy for everyone. But because of the slow shipping and the couple experiences we've had, I am now only shipping via FedEx.

USPS has made it very clear to me (trust me, they know me over here, I complain a lot to them), that they do not scan packages that are preprinted, unless you purchase dc directly from them at the counter. So most of the time it will say electronically notified...

I have confirmed this with another disher that actually works for USPS because I thought it was just my USPS office being lazy:undecided. But not so.

Usually, most orders will go out within 48 hours after it's been placed or within 48 hours after shipping payment has been received. Unless otherwise noted. And all packages are picked up by both USPS and FedEx. And if we have orders still going out, I'll even make a trip down to FedEx or USPS to ensure they all get out in a timely manner.

Insurance is recommended on my site, and as you check out, you agree to those terms. You cannot check out without agreeing to them.

I have, in good faith, sent out replacement packages at my own expense, including the postage.

Beginning this month, along with changing to FedEx only as our method of delivery, I will no longer be replacing any packages at my expense.

I have to add here, that since customer service has been expressed as bad. This past week has been really hectic here for both businesses of mine.

I try to get back to all emails or pm's as quickly as I can. Even if it's at 1 a.m. in the morning.

My phone number is listed on both of my sites, my fax has been on in the last couple of weeks for orders coming through from my soap site, but if anything, you can also fax me. I always call my customers back.

As well as pming me at the dish, as I check there often, but this past week my box was full and I didn't know it as I hasdn't been over there this past week.

As far as not responding to emails, as of late, we have been switching our email account over to our hosting company, ordersatsoapsillydotcom. Hotmail has been sending some emails through, some to the junk folder. As many of you probably experience, we get loads of spam a day. Sometimes we don't have enough time to filter them. Unless we sit down for a couple hours a day and screen the emails for legit emails.

We tried spam arrest, but that didn't work out well. So we finally switched to our hosting company and so far we are happy with them. Knock on wood.

I've even had this problem with emails for companies I've placed orders with. I wonder why I didn't get a notice, then I find it in my junk folder:sad2:.

So I apologize profusely for not getting back to you.

Now, as far as the soap dish pm box. It is not disabled, it was full and I didn't realize it because I had not been over there this past week. I just cleaned it out though.

I would never disable it. I work hard to make myself available and it saddens me when someone thinks I've performed poorly. This is why I have implemented the changes described above. Customer service is my number one priority. I've been in customer service for nearly 15 years.

I'm sorry that this has happened to you. We are hoping to get these postal problems straightened out.

As well as the email problem. I hope that this has not discouraged you from ordering from us again and that you will give us another chance in the future.

I hope this season brings abundance to you all.

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Well, it is nice to receive a response. However, I had problems long before October that had nothing to do with the post office. You just took forever to ship my package based on the postmark and when I ultimately received my single item. This happened with not one, but TWO orders. I chalked up the first order as just one of those things. After the second order was a repeat of the first, I chalked it up to bad business. I never received responses to my emails and I do not post on The Dish. I am glad that you seem to have things straightened out for future customers.

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I guess I should have posted here and asked about the company first before purchasing from them, I would have saved myself a lot of time and stress. I'm happy to report that within an hour of posting here and sending a message saying REFUND MY ORDER I finally got a response, telling me about the Spam blockers etc. I don't know about all of you but I can review my spam folder and at any time and open emails in it.

I have over 400 people in my company and I can answer an email, and phone call at any time and we are having records months this year.

I'm just sorry that this happened and it appears to have happened to a number of people because you have some great sounding scents but I have to make sure I can supply orders to my customers and waiting weeks for a scent when supplies is needed is not going to make it easier to supply my customers.

The sadest thing is for me is that I needed these scents to do my final scent list for my 2007 catalogs that need to get to the printer NOW and I'm not sure I can get supplies in and tested in time from another supplier. MY MISTAKE thinking that when you place an order at the beginning of November you should have it in hand by mid-November. :o

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
I'm happy to report that within an hour of posting here and sending a message saying REFUND MY ORDER I finally got a response, telling me about the Spam blockers etc. I don't know about all of you but I can review my spam folder and at any time and open emails in it.

Did you ever receive your order or your refund? I am having issues with them too. Seems that it's SSDD with soapsilly.

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks Sabsgurl.

I also posted an update over there when I returned.

I've contacted the 2 that have pm'd or emailed me.

I thought I'd chime in here.

Last week my great aunt passed away and I had to leave. I did post to my yahoo group and another forum, but was not able to post everywhere.

I had to leave out of state.

All is ok now and any orders they were unable to fullfill (which I see now are only 2) will be completed tomorrow.


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First, let me say, I'm sorry for your loss.

Not to pick hairs, because I'm genuinely curious, but I'm wondering why nothing was said for 6 months and the business stayed open. Did the other stuff from 6 months ago just now get filled because of the leave of absence, or was that taken care of before and you are referring to the new posts from recently?

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