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ISO earthy fo's


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I'm looking for a strong frankincense, dragons blood, sandlewood, and myrrh fo in soy. My current suppliers are peaks, mc, and lonestar. They either don't have all the fo's I want nor are they on the best for soy list thread in the veggie section. Anyone try any of these out and had success? ~TIA

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Try Candle Cocoon. Lyschel has some great earthy scents. I know she has sandalwood and Frankincense and Myrhh. I use Fallen Leaf and it is great in soy! Very strong. While you're there, pick up the Sultry Angel. One of my favorites! I use a bunch of Lyschel oils in 100% soy and they are all awesome. Vanilla Voodoo is great also!


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Oh yeah, that Neroli de la Luna. How could I forget that one! That one is great! I've been wanting to try the Red Banana and Raspberry Cordial. I'm close to needing some more Sultry Angel. What? A reason to try more FO's?

Dewdrop is great also. Bunchberry and Moss and the list goes on.........

Lyschel also has one called Rare Earth but I haven't tried it.


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They are a little expensive but so worth it. I must have about 10 of Lyschel's oils. Here's what I carry:

Bunchberry & Moss

Fairy Dust & Twinkle Toes


Peony White Tea

Neroli de la Luna

Fallen Leaf

Sultry Angel - one of my favorites!

Vanilla Voodoo


Tiger Lily & Cantaloupe

She sent me a sample of Autumn Apple and it is great and very strong!

You will love Lyschel's oils!


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