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EZsoy sink-pits after burning

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I'm using EZsoy. Heated to 180º to add FO, cooled to "slushy" (about 95º) to pour. Test burned the candle for 3 hours and blew it out. As the wax cooled and became solid again, sink holes developed. What would cause that? I read that pouring too hot would cause air bubbles and sink holes so I made sure that the wax looked slushy applesauce before pouring so I'm not sure why this is happening. It sure makes for an ugly candle :o Any suggestions as to how to avoid these sink holes?


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I have that problem with EZ as well, I chalked it up to the fact that it is soy and may develope an "ugly" top especially after the first couple burns. I read somewhere that one thing you can try, and I have not tried this yet is to after you pour tap the glass jar with a wooden spoon to try to get any bubbles (they may be very tiny) to rise up and out. I will actually be giving that a try tonight. Another thing I read (on this board I think) is to not stir again after adding the FO before you let it cool. Give it a final stir then don't stir again, which supposedly will help not create more bubbles. I did try that and still had the problem after the first few burns but it was better.

Let me know if those help in anyway. I will definetely keep my eye on this thread, because if there is a solution for this I'd love to hear it as well.


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I use EZ Soy and get ugly tops after the first or second burn. On any burns after that the tops remain smooth. I just chalk it up to the nature of pure soy. No one has complained to me about it so I don't worry about it.

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Here's a photo of the sink hole (below). I have another theory and will give it a test today. This candle was sitting near an open door last night when I blew it out. I'll move it to a cozy-warm part of the kitchen when it blow it out tonight and see if the rate of cooling has anything to do with sink holes. What's your opinion on this?


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Less issues with added dye too.:highfive:

I'm learning that, as well. I changed the dye color of one candle I was making because, with a specific color, I had gone through ECO's, CD's, RRD's and HTP's and STILL couldn't get the darn thing wicked. Changed dye color and it wicked perfectly on the first try.

Thanks for the info on the BW. I notice it comes in solid block so what's the procedure for adding? Cut off a piece, melt separately from soy wax, measure and add? Add when?...and a specific temp?


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Those USA products prevent this too - and you can say that they are all soy - because I believe the USA is a soy derivative if I'm not mistaken (someone will correct me if I'm wrong - but I think I've read that on this board - think it was Top that said that). I've learned that it won't stop the frost totally in a dark candle after the melt pool sets up, and if you use the max amount it really causes the wax to pull away from the container.

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I notice it comes in solid block so what's the procedure for adding? Cut off a piece, melt separately from soy wax, measure and add? Add when?...and a specific temp?


Get the pellet variety - don't mess with the blocks. No, you don't have to add separately - just measure it out and add with your soy and melt it. Your soy will need to go up to around 175 anyway for the FO and BW melts at around 145.

EDIT: Spelling

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