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Anyone need a good laugh? Here it is...my first gel pics!


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The pie looks great except for the torches sticking out of it. Trim those wicks~!

Really? Ya think? Nah...I planned to just light them the way they were. :tongue2:

I took the pictures right after making them, so I didn't want to trim the wicks yet while everything finished setting up.

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I like the strawberry pie a bunch. Only thing you might do for the

whipped cream is add some T. Dioxide to it and maybe a tiny wee little bit of brown dye to make it more off white and not so see thru.

Looks very nice!


Yep, the TD would give it a more opaque look, more realistic, but man girl, anything you do comes out wonderful-can I just hate you for a minute??? ;) LOL

Oh and ring of fire, Trish has been making candles for a LOOOOOONG time, I'm sure she knows to trim the wicks. :rolleyes2

Long time no see Trish, glad to see ya around here posting. :D

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The pie looks great, a little messy in some places, but nothing that is overely out there. The tarts I am wondering about though. How is that going to burn? Are you shooting for just the middle? They do look super real though.

Something I have always wondered. Is it okay to burn in the aluminum containers that the pie is in, or is that just for display?

I think you did a wonderful job!! I would never have guessed this was your first try. Whats next?

PS Trim your wicks :tongue2:

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Hey Trish, those look great except for the whipped cream. Once you get that down, they will look great! Very impressive missy, very impressive. Dang, that was quick!

I'm a little concerned about those wicks also....lol

I like the shortbread...looks real!

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Thanks everyone, I know they need work but it's fun to learn something new. If anything, I've learned to trim my wicks BEFORE taking a picture. :wink2:

Plus I'm going to try to whip my own wax to use for the dollops instead of using ones I made from a mold. Maybe that will work better.

So what got you into foodies?

I got approved for a big strawberry festival here in April. Even though bakery candles are not something I want to do all the time, I thought it would be fun to take some strawberry type ones to this festival. I have several months to test and see if any of them work or not! LOL

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