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invoice billing


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In order to hopefully defeat the shipping/handling issue, I would like to do something similar to BCN...customer places the order, I pack it and then send out an invoice via paypal, customer pays and then I print shipping and send out package. Anyone have any ideas on how to do this?? I'm going to be using mals shopping cart. Thanks for your help!!

Okay, here's what i've come up with but please give me your advice still!!

I went into mals and basically chose no payment methods. The customer & I both get invoices. From that invoice I could then pack/weigh the purchase and then send out the invoice to them. I will of course need to include a message stating that their package will NOT be shipped until payment is received.

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You're right Georgia....customers no longer require an actual Paypal account to use it, as per their terms and conditions which were revised earlier this year. We use Paypal on our site, which generates about 45% of our sales as well as using it for our collectibles company, and most of our online customers are not paypal account holders. Just adding my 2 cents worth. :D

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I am not sure what percentage of my customers have a PayPal account, but about 70% of my customers pay by PayPal. I think they think view it as safer.

I have quite a few pay with their paypal account, but I also have a friend who had her paypal hacked at one point and she's dead set against paypal, as are a few other people. But now with the "dont have to have a paypal account to pay" thing it's working out better it seems. We even put that on our website about not needing a paypal account to pay through paypal and my friend feels much better about using it that way.

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Thanks everyone, apparently the invoice part wasn't working because my account isn't completely set up for business yet...the darn 4 digit number from verifying the credit card. Anyway, I'm not at a point that I would be doing any custom orders so for now that isn't a problem. Hopefully by the time it is a problem I'll have enough cash flow that I can pay for some kind of weight linked shipping calculator.

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It's not what you asked, but IMO, if I don't get a shipping price when I order online, I don't order. I want to know how much shipping is before I finalize my purchase. If I had to wait for a seperate invoice for shipping, I just would skip that site and find another. :2cents:

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Hi Jennifer,

All my business is done from my website and I've struggled with the shipping question myself.

My opinion is that if you use that method, you will lose many sales. People order things online by impulse. They need to pay immediately or many of them will change their mind. I think you're better off to make it as easy as possible for them to pay you right away.

Figure out your shipping estimates and let them pay that. When they pay notify them that the shipping is an estimate and if it is more than the estimate shows you will email them. They can then pay you the difference with Paypal or you can charge their card. I wouldn't charge their card more without their permission, though.

I also think you should accept credit cards, not just Paypal. my motto is Make it easy for them to order from you!


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