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Do Adults want colored bath water?


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I love answering these q's from the customer perspective! Because I'm cheap and opinionated, lol- I'll always be honest:D . And my answer is yes! Yes yes yes. There is nothing nicer than puurty blue water in the tub, or soft pink, or sea green... or whatever the heck ones bathroom colors might be, lol. I don't think anybody would 'complain' something they bought has NO color.. but if it did- that would be a bonus. Color is often theraputic too. I think the most important thing... is using a light hand. As an adult I do prefer the more subtle tint as opposed to an all out color bath. Sometimes color helps the mind with the scent.... ie purple would enforce a lavender or lilac or Hyacynth type smell, pink rose, yellow banna, etc. HTH!

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Diffently color. I think is can be calming and make for a wonderful bath. I just was outside cleaning up some leaves and trimming up some branches and I am so chilled that I think I need to go take one of those wonderful bathes. Light a few candles throw in some bath salts. and hhhaaaa. Sound relaxing and warming.....

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*lol* Definitely not brown.... I was making my list for the show and I was about to write Banana listed for the childrens bombs.... I crossed it out and went with my Popsicle Sticks scent instead... no yellow water....

Brown... no way... I'd jump out that tub real quick....

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I had gotten a good deal on some discontinued kids bath sets that came with three colors of liquid soap.. each had its own fruit scent. One was red, one was blue and one was yellow.. guess which one was always half full by the time the others were gone? Lol... that's right Yippee Yellow Banana. BUT... on the other hand if you stress the MIXING factor it was great to have a yellow so you could make green and orange as well. It was kind of a fun learing thing for about 2 baths. :rolleyes2 As a matter of fact I still have it. I can't bring myself to get rid of a half FULL bottle of anything, lol.....

omg omg omg.......duh. Oh how could I have been so stupid all this time, roflmaooooooooooo........it just flippin hit me.....hellllooooooooo.... can I say 'liquid soap dye'.

:tiptoe: Scuse me while I go make my daughters pee color soap turn a nice sea blue/green color, lol.

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