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Newbie having serious problems....


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I'm using j50 in 8 oz jelly jars. I'm using Zinc wicks (44) My candles look beautiful for a day or two after making them but after that I have oil spots inside that are very noticeable. (I'm using about 1.5-2oz FO for every lb of wax) But I'm afraid that any less fo will not be a highly scented candle. I also have wet spots! I preheat my jars evry time (I've also tried using a heat gun) with same results. I have friends and co-workers ready to place orders but I'm not comfortable selling them like this. Please help! I've spent alot of money buying supplies & I don't want to get discouraged with my new Hobby. :undecided

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I think you need to cut back on the fo a little. I only use 1oz pp of wax and they have great throw, cold and hot and as far as the wet spots, I think everyone has had those a time or two and its not a big deal. I use J225 and dont get them too often but when I do, I dont worry about it. Next time you're in a store, check out the candles they have...75% of them have wet spots. Before I started making my own, I never paid attention to wet spots when I bought Candles.

I wouldnt worry about those.

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I agree cut back on the FO. Way to much.I also use 1 ounce per lb.My candles are very strong so don't worry.You are afraid they will not be strong enough??Have you tested one of these candles to see the hot throw.

I bet you will have to open windows with 2 ounces per lb.That is twice as much FO as you should use.


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Sounds like too much FO to me too. Each type of wax is formulated to only hold so much wax, so if you use too much, it is not going to mix/bind and you will have waste. I have read that too much FO can actually make a candle throw less, but I can't remember why...LOL

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that's definately too much fo... i read that j50 has an 8% fo load... thats about 1 1/4 oz to a pound of wax... as far as the wet spots, it is usually unavoidable, but if you're using the clear glass jelly jars try changing to the quilted ones... you wont see the spots as much...

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Yikes! Two ounces of FO?! Way too much girl...more is not always better. If you haven't tested them yet, I bet you will find that your wick is probably going to drown out on you at some point because of all the excess FO. I'd suggest using 1-1.5 ounces (I use J50 myself and it will hold 1.5 oz without leeching out) and let it sit a couple of days to cure then light those babies up. If you're using a quality fragrance oil and the right wick, you should have good throw.

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Thank ya'll so much for the input. I guess I feel like I have to keep up with the competition in my area. A friend of a friend uses 3oz in her soy candles, everybody is going nuts over them. I even bought one to check it out. One candle fraganced my whole (2 story) house! But it had some crazy flames in the beginning (from to much fo I assume)

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I honestly don't know how your friend is using 3 oz of FO in soy...she might be telling you a story...unless you've witnessed it yourself. I started out using soy and have never added more than 1.5 oz, so I don't know if it could even hold 3 oz of FO to begin with, but my guess would be probably not, but I could be wrong. The point is, you don't need to use that much FO to get your candle to throw strongly. She would have to charge an awful lot for her candles in order to make any money at all using that amount of FO, if she's not, then she's probably losing money and doesn't even know it.

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I agree with Fern. That woman is lying if she says she uses 3 oz of FO per lb and has nice candles with no seepage. It just isn't possible, imho.

Now, I used J50 for a long time. Cut back to 1 oz pp - you do not need anymore more than this if you use good quality oils.

Also, don't be in a rush to sell. It will only cause more problems for you later. Get your candles completely tested, get a business license and insurance before you even think about selling. It will be worthwhile if you take the time to do it properly :D

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