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A shipping quandry


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I can't believe that I live on the east coast, I can order 5 fo's and 3 bottles of liquid dyes from Peak's get a 10 % discount on my fo's and the total shipping for this order is only 11.53. I can try to order 1 lb of fo from someone else and their shipping calculator will calculate shipping at 9.03 and they are closer to me. Go figure. When I call the company and say surely this can't be right they will not work with me. Unbelievable. I get cheaper shipping on wax from South Carolina then I do from PA and I am closer to PA. And just forget about WSP. Gotta love it.

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Shipping has gotten outrageous for the most part, huh?

I have never had an issue with Peaks. It's UPS!! They take a week to get anything here from Peaks, or any other company past IL. Go figure.

I just placed an order from MMS, and the first shipping total was almost 40.00! No heavy items, either- I thought that was strange. I took a few items out and it came down to 17.00. God, I hate UPS!! :whip:

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I think that savy businesses bargan with ups/shippers over a shipping account, just like they do with their wholesale suppliers and they may get volume discounts as well. I'm not certain of this, but it doesn't seem out in left field to me.

When a savy business owner does get a good contract with shippers and then passes that savings on to the customer, then you get the reduced rates and everybody wins when dealing with that business because they get increased sales and we get cheaper rates.

On another note a supplier may not pass the savings on to the customer, in which case they make some dosh off of the shipping and handling. Some suppliers never got a better deal/contract worked out with the shippers in the first place so there is no savings or profit potential in their shipping.

I don't know if I'm correct in my thinking about this or not, but I'd bet I'm not too far off. After all, the reflection in different rates isn't majic...:grin2:

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A lot of it has to do with the transportation schedules. It usually costs more to ship west to east, then vice versa. However moving from lg city to lg city is cheaper than wither way from small towns. If you are near a hub, its cheaper. The farther away you are frojm a hub, the more money it costs, they can take on $1.25-".50 each box for being out of the delivery area. Plus, being a residence it can be $2.50-4 each box delepding on the carrier. And it seems UPS is always the most expensive, especially for residential addresses.

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What I can't get over is that is cost me as much to ship 4# of F/O from Just Scents as it does for me to shipp 12# from Peaks which is on Colorado Both UPS. Now here the great part I LIVE in Ohio where JS is! I know it's not Beckey's fault! It's UPS! In state shipping is much more than out of state shipping! I don't order much from JS but it do order two F/O from her and they are very hot sellers for me. So I just pay the shipping but order in bulk when I can!


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Shopping for supplies anymore has become a huge headache because now you have to find a place that has what you need, and then find out how bad you are going to get hit with shipping. I had been ordering from Candlemaker's store for years for my labels, until the other day someone here mentioned labels from Peak's. I am getting the labels cheaper and holy cow, the shipping is almost half what I paid at the Candlemaker's. I know they are further away for me but they are way off on their shipping.

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Different companies definitely get different shipping rates. These can be negotiable, based on how much a particular business ships, etc.

I used to work for Caterpillar, and Cat had a specific shipping rate (across the country for all their stores, no matter where they were) that was much lower than anything I had seen.

Some companies probably don't realize they can get a lower rate, or they do and just don't pass on the savings, or they don't qualify for a lower rate, etc.

Anyhow, I agree it's frustrating! Shipping costs just plain suck. :undecided

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True, So true......IF they collectively all had what I want/need!

I am trying to locate some 1239 for carving and it doesn't seem to be hiding in these parts. I tried switching over to the 1343 and it is NOT working for me. Don'tcha hate change when it throws kinks into what is working?

Looks like I might find out what it feels like to pay shipping on wax.:undecided

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