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wicking help please!

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Hey guys,

I'm trying to wick a new jar that I got. A 12 oz. 3" metro. I tried 1 eco 14, since I only use those wicks, but it's not working. I think double wicking this jar might look silly so I want to try to stick with a single. I have LX's, RRD's, Cotton, and CD's. I don't have much experience with them so I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on which one to try and what size to start with? I use 444. Thank you so much for any help! :)

Edited for spelling

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An LX24 does a pretty good job in the 7.5oz. If an ECO14 isn't doing the job in the 12oz then I doubt any of the larger LX sizes will be sufficient, either.

A CD22 would be my first suggestion out of the types you listed, although that could get pretty hot as it makes its way down the jar. You never know until you try, though. ;)

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Have you burned the candle all the way down before determing it won't work? If you haven't, keep burning and see how it does. You can't always make a determination until you've gotten a pretty substantial burn time in. With a 3 inch diameter, you should be able to single wick and I would think the ECO 14 would work.

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Usually with BW, you can add up to 5% without having to wick up so I don't think it was the addition of the BW. My jars are 3 inches and I use BW, and single wick with no problems. It might be the FO is just too heavy and you might need to decrease the %. I haven't used that FO so I'm not really sure. Also, not every wick works with every FO so I would try some other wicks like the HTP 1212, CD 22 or a 62 C. A change of wicks could make all the difference. Another thing, was your wick long enough when you lit it? I like to leave my wicks a bit longer in the first burn or two. For me, I find it helps to get that burn going better. :wink2:

Edited to add - with my 3 inch diamter jars, there are some FOs I just can't use in this jar unless I were to DW. I can't use Drakkar or Warm Orange Gingerbread and I won't DW these jars because I don't like the look when I do. I don't think they are wide enough.

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It drowned out a few minutes after I lit it. I add 3% BW to my wax so I think that affects the wicking some. And the FO is german chocolate cake, which to me seems like a heavier FO.

I have wicked the German Chocolate Cake (KY's) in a 3" diameter jar. I would start with a 62 cotton, and if that does not work, wick up to an HTP1212. Give your candle 2 - 3 burns before deciding the wick does not work unless it is just fizzling out on you. HTH

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I didn't leave the wick longer on this one because, everytime I do that on my 2.75" tumblers the flame seems real high and it soots a little. But on the other hand after a few hours the flame gets so weak it looks like its going to put itself out! I think these wick are no good in this jar. I had them down in my 2.5" ball masons with just an ECO 6, with these tumblers I have to use an ECO 10 and on the first few burns, like I said the flame gets weak after staring out high. I think it might be time to move on. I'm trying the CD 22 in the 3" first and go from there. Thanks for the help! :)

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I have wicked the German Chocolate Cake (KY's) in a 3" diameter jar. I would start with a 62 cotton, and if that does not work, wick up to an HTP1212. Give your candle 2 - 3 burns before deciding the wick does not work unless it is just fizzling out on you. HTH

I don't have ay HTP's because after I tested them I just determined they weren't for me. I'll try the cotton if the CD sucks. Thank you!

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An LX24 does a pretty good job in the 7.5oz. If an ECO14 isn't doing the job in the 12oz then I doubt any of the larger LX sizes will be sufficient, either.

A CD22 would be my first suggestion out of the types you listed, although that could get pretty hot as it makes its way down the jar. You never know until you try, though. ;)

I agree I use the CD's and a 22 might work.

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Well just wanted to report back some results. I seen in several other posts, and in this thread, that the LX28 was working well for the 3" metros. So I tested the following and this is what I got: CD22 was a torch, sooted, and mushroomed like crazy. The LX28 was a torch and sooted, but the LX26 seems to be working really well. 1st burn was 4 hrs. and good MP just a tiny bit hang up on one side, small mushroom, 1/2" in depth, no soot, pretty good throw judging with candle nose! Most important too is that the flame stayed healthy throughout the whole burn. We'll see how the rest goes.

So far I'd say this is the first good wicking I got since I was using the masons. :bliss:

Thanks for all the help!

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