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Gen Wax

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I tried them when I first started out in candlemaking about a year ago. I haven't had any issues with their paraffin waxes. I've had no problems releasing the candles from my metal molds (even when I forgot the mold release....). After putting them in the fridge for about 10 minutes it came right out:-) I've had no issues with GenWax. The order takes a week to get to VA.I recently ordered their mottled wax but haven't had a chance to try it out yet. I like their selection and everything is packed well. I wasn't impressed with their FO - not bad but not great. After reading a lot of posts here I ordered FOs from Peak and just received them today! Can't wait to try them!

I'm trying out my luck with Eco Soy waxes because I want to avoid the repour and I like that too.

I hope this helps.

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I buy my cane wax from them but all my others from Peaks but if I'm in a pinch and need wax right away I'll get their house blend it does seem to shrink more than Peaks Pillar wax. Also, if your looking for the creamy look you'll need to add vybar and don't forget the mold release. On their fragrances it's a hit and miss I do use some from them that are really good and I've got some that are not so good. But overall they are a good supplier it just depends on what your preference is.

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