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Juried Show - Pics in action?


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I don't do shows...but decided that I wanted to do something different.

There's a big (65,000 attendance) strawberry festival here in April so I thought I'd apply. The application was really specific and if you forgot one thing, they would automatically decline you. I'm a little worried about getting in because the application wanted to know what other shows I've done, what the attendance was, etc. Anyhow, one of the people from the festival called me tonight and asked for me to send pictures of me actually making the candles.

I looked through the application and nowhere did it state that you had to send "in action" pictures, just 2 pictures of your product and 1 of your booth. I asked the lady if I had missed something and she said, "No, we just want it on file in case any of the other crafters complain"

So I came to two conclusions...

1) Sounds like I have a good chance at getting in this show!

2) My stuff looks professional enough that they needed proof it was handmade! :laugh2:

My question is, does this happen often for juried shows? I've done 2 shows total and that was 2 years ago. I had to send pictures, but was never asked for pictures of me actually making my product. Hopefully it's a compliment! LOL

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Yes. It's a pre-requisite for one of our shows, maybe 2.

Ahhh, okay. So I shouldn't be flattered then? Damn!

I just thought it weird since their application was so detailed, yet that wasn't one of the requirements. I even had to send back the paperwork for things I didn't need (generator, RV spot) and mark them N/A or I'd be declined.

I'm going back to thinking it was compliment.... :neener:

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Well you took it as flattery and I was pissed that they wanted one lol! But I think it's a form of flattery for them to ask for it or something additional from you.

In our case, it's supposed to be proof that you do make the product. Obviously standing around pouring wax into a mold was good enough, because I had to be ever so generic as not to give much away. Then again, I hate my picture taken.

Good luck with the show. Bet ya get in!

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You live in free-thinking Calif. I live in a state 5 to 10 years behind the groove :tongue2: and sorta peppered with narrow-mindedness lol.

Take it as a compliment ... and I think I asked too about having to be in the pix. I wanted to get my cat to do it, but he wouldn't.

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I tried to tell the lady that I could send her several pictures of my workshop...table, molds, melters, FO! I hate my picture taken too...I was trying anything to get out of it.

So Gabe took one (just ONE!) of me pretending to pour and I looked like the biggest idiot. Oh well, it's done and me starting this thread is totally stupid. What a waste of bandwidth... :rolleyes2

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I was like you a month ago.Trying to get in a juried show.I knew pics and had very little time since husband had been in hospital.Had no idea until this Board told me I MIGHT have to have a picture of me doing candlemaking.So call and all I was told was a pic.I spent over 2 hours setting it all up.What I wanted in the pic,the scenery and getting things so so.She looked at it for a minute or less.I thought my pic was going before a bunch people but just 1.So alot of hoopla for nothing but don't pay attention to me I am sure some are very picky.


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I have found that any show that is juried wants pictures. I did not have any pictures of me making my candles so I sent in some pictures of my workshop or maybe I should call it my work MESS! after seeing those pictures I am sure they believed I make my own candles! I was wondering though, if you do not do shows, where do you sell your candles? Also, where is that strawberry festival you are referring to? I am always looking for good shows. I decided to try my business full time and need al the help I can get to make ends meet! Thanks


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I have found that any show that is juried wants pictures. I did not have any pictures of me making my candles so I sent in some pictures of my workshop or maybe I should call it my work MESS! after seeing those pictures I am sure they believed I make my own candles! I was wondering though, if you do not do shows, where do you sell your candles? Also, where is that strawberry festival you are referring to? I am always looking for good shows. I decided to try my business full time and need al the help I can get to make ends meet! Thanks


I realized that juried shows wants pictures, I just hadn't heard of one asking for one specifically of me making the candles.

I sell wholesale mostly, a few small fundraisers. The strawberry festival is in Roseville, California.


I got an email from the festival last night that they approved my application after receiving the picture! I got in!! Woo hoooo!!!!

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I thought about doing a juried show last year. When I got the application they required photos showing materials, equipment, crafter in the process of making the products (at 2 different angles for each product) finished products, and your booth setup. I didn't end up applying. You had to send in application, pics, and booth fee (which was outragiously high IMO) buy July for a December show. I couldn't send pics of a booth since I'd never had one, had no finished products at the time, and I was way nervous of the judge. She was my Art teacher in High School:shocked2: and one of the most talented artists IMO. There was nothing this woman couldn't do beautifully. It would tear me up if she turned me down. I know this sounds immature, but her opinion always meant alot to me.

Anyway Congrats on getting in, and dont forget to let us know how everything goes at your show!

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Do we get to see the pic?


You're a funny girl Janet!!

I thought about doing a juried show last year. When I got the application they required photos showing materials, equipment, crafter in the process of making the products (at 2 different angles for each product) finished products, and your booth setup. I didn't end up applying. You had to send in application, pics, and booth fee (which was outragiously high IMO) buy July for a December show. I couldn't send pics of a booth since I'd never had one,

This application was like that too. I haven't done a show in 2 years and the two I did were super small, just one table. I included a letter with a diagram of how I would set up my booth. This show isn't until the end of April, so it was quite early to apply too, but if I waited, every six weeks the fee went up $100!

They did say they give special consideration to those that focus on strawberry type things, so I explained that my candle scents would focus on many versions of strawberry and hopefully I plan to add some strawberry pies! Oye...now off to learn about gel wax and pies!!

I'm really excited though. With 65,00 attending, the odds are pretty good that I should do okay. I hope anyway!!

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Sweety, You'll knock 'em dead with your quality candles! Congrats on getting in!

I know what I felt like when I had to enter my first juried show. There only comment to me was "Do you really make your candles in a log cabin? How neat!" I got in! I had to submit pictures for two years and then if I preepaid the booth fee at the end of the show for the next year, I didn't have to reapply. That's the way I've done it ever since. :highfive: *faint* :yes:


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