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craft show question


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At most of the craft shows that I have been to as a customer, the vendors booths were separeated in some way-usually by some type of frame that had fabric on it. But, the 1st show i did, didn't have any kind of separators which was okay since the building was only half full so we were spread way out in order to appear fuller. Do you normally have to make the dividers yourself some how? If so what do you use? I'm guessing just pvc pipe and like I said fabric probably sheets that have been sewn to the size you want. Well let me know so that I can maybe have something for my next show.



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I have only done about 10 craft shows all together and none of us ever had walls between us. Well, I take that back.. When I do outdoor shows ( which I will never do again), my tent had walls. That is about it.


Same here. There is some space between my tables and the next vendor. Maybe a foot or two but never any prefab walls, and I down 15 shows a year.;)


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let me explain a bit further what I'm thinking. I don't have a booth that you walk into. so i'm wondering if i should have some kind of low maybe 2-3 feet tall "walls" (actually more of a fence) to put along the back (if i'm not by a wall), and sides of my booth. i guess i'm just one of those people that has personal space issues:rolleyes2 does any of this make sense at all?

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If you have "walls" up around your space then you will not get relieved for a potty break by your fellow vendors.... :rolleyes2 or be able to help them out if they are alone. I always make nice with my neighbors.

I think that it would look really stange to have walls up. Some craft shows are not a strict 10x10 or whatever but table space only.

I have done many, many shows and have never seen what you are describing unless it is drapes to section of spaces like they do in some large shows.

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okay, well thanks anyway guys for your inputs. like I said, I'm just a personal space kinda person. I grew up at a house that had only one neighbor and he was an old guy who was like 3/4's of a block away kinda, and my only experiences with neighbors since then have been horrid! i had the cops called on my one night when i had just gotten home to my first apartment, they said i had loud music--i was playing chess with my boyfriend (kinda need some concentration for that game--not loud music). my second house was alright but the third place, my current residence has resulted in my neighbors trying twice to have me arrested because my dogs got loose--this last time (only two weeks ago) they almost suceeded cause the city judge signed the arrest warrant but the chief declined the arrest and just gave me a court date. so maybe you can see where i'm coming from although I had a wonderful experience with my "neighbors" at the first craft show but even then I was next to a group of people that weren't so wonderful....3 children (1st in playpen, 2nd in pull-ups, 3rd maybe elementary) and there were 6 adults there and still the children had to be yelled at on occasion.

please nobody take this the wrong way. i'm just a person that is kinda burnt out on neighbors.

however, since both of the craft shows i have left for this year are only one day and i will have my sister, I will simply not worry about the "neighbors" and just have a good time!


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Hi Jennifer,

Most of the shows I do this time of year have what you are describing. Generally there is an 8 foot back drape and the side drapes are 3 feet high. I have one show that these are not provided for. In that case I have my own stanchons that I drape with fabric (these are only 4 feet high). I prefer these as it blocks the view into the back of the vendor behind you.


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Sometimes it would be nice to have a blander backdrop and sides than have someone distracted by the next vendor. Most of the indoor spots I've had though would look weird if you put up a wall.

Sometimes you can do it differently though. Take some tall folding shelves and put them behind you, with product. They look like part of the booth, but it's just your restocking area. You can do it on the sides too, to help "block" another booth. Or maybe put a trifold screen behind you as a decoration, with a sign on it. Again, it would look like decoration.

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Hi Jennifer,

Most of the shows I do this time of year have what you are describing. Generally there is an 8 foot back drape and the side drapes are 3 feet high. I have one show that these are not provided for. In that case I have my own stanchons that I drape with fabric (these are only 4 feet high). I prefer these as it blocks the view into the back of the vendor behind you.



This sounds like something I would be interested in. If you don't mind me asking, did you some how make yours yourself? Cause looking at the prices of these, I think making them from something might be the way to go.

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Having at least a back wall is nice.. keeps people from looking through your booth into one on the next isle. I've had neighbors with 8' 'walls' and we did not have any problems covering for each other on breaks. I wish I had something this year as a man next to me had 2 10x10 spaces and set an 8' table in the middle of it with blinky baseball hats on it.. that was it. I felt so exposed as my back was to him most of the time.. and people coming up that isle saw my back as they approached. I'm going to get some pipe and drape so it is adjustable for booth sizes. I like the idea of making my space a mini shop with no visual distractions. I've thought about pvc and sewing up some drapes.. but might as well invest in the fire retardant stuff and somehting designed for what I'm wanting.. I keep my poor husband busy enough with the rest of my craft requests. :rolleyes2

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This sounds like something I would be interested in. If you don't mind me asking, did you some how make yours yourself? Cause looking at the prices of these, I think making them from something might be the way to go.

For mine, I used 4' x 4' posts with a plywood base to keep from being tippy. For a corner space, I set up 3 of these. Then join them with a 2" x 2" strip of cedar from one 4' x 4' to the next. I then just staple my fabric to the cedar and drape it to the floor. Mine are 4 feet tall, but if I did it over I would go to 5 feet.

I really prefer being seperated from the vendors next and behind me. I think it helps keep focus on my booth while the customers are there. Also, I just don't like the view into the booth behind me.

I hope that gave you an idea of what I did, and wasn't just confusing.


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Jennifer, look in your yellow pages under "rentals". Call and ask if they rent pipe and drape back drops. Also get with your event coordinator. Some shows rent those out also. They carry them from show to show. For something short you could use A PVC frame. HTH!

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What you are describing Jennifer is pretty standard fare when doing a Trade Show, however, in all my years, I've never seen it at a craft show.

I'm assuming your space is 10' x 10'. If so, you can create your own little haven by bringing a couple narrow tables (I used to have two of the 4 ft x 2 ft tables, end to end) and place them along the back perimeter line of your space. You could also do it on both sides as well (one table on each side). It still gives you room to get around as well as in and out. I would cover them all with the same table coverings I was using on my front table for continuity. And, if your show is busy, it is the perfect solution to use for wrapping or packaging purchases for your customers. I used to like it to be able to display additional products, or graphic signage, too.

Good luck!

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No walls here either. We use display racks and stick them out into traffic a bit. Seems a lot of vendors are finding ways to creep out of their booths to get the attention of the shopper. We also rely on the aroma and our bears to grab attention as well as improving salesmanship.

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