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Christmas Orders, How are they coming along??


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Well it's that time of year, when everyone's busy pouring and getting ready for the holidays. So I thought I would start a thread to see how's everyone coming along?

The past year and half, I basically made gifts for co-workers and family to get my name out there, well this time I wanted to finally get some orders. So I decided bring in some pillars I made over the weekend in my favorite christmas scent. I decided to put them on my desk as this is my favorite way of marketing my products without really saying a word. To my astonishment :D , I've got 3 orders thus far to fill with a potential 4 more.

One lady wants 30- 3x3 pillars and 60 votives for a candle set to give to the women in her family and a personal set for her bedroom. I'm so excited!!!:yay: Although I'm excited I still have one dilema (sp?), I don't have prices set in stone :shocked2:. I am going to calculate the time & effort plus the price of the supplies and come up with something. But since she's my tennis partner, and co-worker do you think I should be a little easy on the prices without cheating myself? I don't know, but I better figure out something soon, don't ya think???

Well tell me about your sales thus far??

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HOLY MOOLY IS ALL I CAN SAY!!! Each year it gets crazier. I picked up a new wholesale acct today so I have that order to fill. In addition a wholesale customer that is IN LOVE with my candles decided she would help a friend out with her booth at a craft show this friday and next friday and they bought several cases of candles and will be selling them. THANK GOODNESS I AM NOT DOING THAT CRAFT SHOW! They are doing it for me!

I have 3 fundraisers and I have to get their packets out to them next week and I have one show left on the 18th of November. In addition to getting the orders filled for the fundraisers which I always start a head of time. I also just opened my shop and I have 2 more candle parties booked.

I have another place that ordered 120 candles for their employ baskets. Actually I do that for 3 other companies. And orders out the WAZOO already placed for christmas orders. i think I will stop here because I am starting to freak out as I read this....

I think I need to log off and go make candles...lol SOOOOO Happy holiday!

And I am going to the race this weekend in ATLANTA so no candles this weekend!

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YIKES....I can't say I'm getting slammed with orders as of yet, but am just in demand for getting possible orders. I'm in the midst of trying to get 2 halloween costumes sewn before monday...no way they're getting done in time for the school party friday...but that's a whole other story...then I've been asked to participate with 2 other vendors (mary kaye and a jewelry person) at my daughte'rs dance/gymnastics studio for Nov. 7,8, 9th for the parents and whoever to shop and then donate 10% of proffit to the boosters...in the meantime, we're haveing a skating party on 11/4 for my son and daughter's birthdays, then 11/6 is a Super Bingo at their school, then preparing for craft show on 11/25....Have a few orders in between those! Hope santa sends me a few elves a bit early this year...so much for the housework and painting the living room!

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Things are getting pretty busy for me. I just finished one fundraiser with one more ending this week and another starting next week. I have a home party booked for Nov 17th, a vendor day the 18th, school Holiday Shoppe on the 27th and my annual open house the first weekend in December. I just got an order yesterday for 94 jelly jars from a teacher who is giving them as gifts. I hope I can fit it all in!!

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I am already behind. I delivered 3 wholesale orders last Fri. 2 of them are already sold out on the stuff I just gave them. So they already ordered again. PLUS I have a show pretty much every weekend starting in Nov. A HUGE one the second weekend of Nov. I need more time in the day, and maybe some of Santas Elves. But the sales are coming in though lol.

Have a great season guys!!

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I just started selling this fall (acutally just sold my first soaps and bath teas to my mil yesterday), but I have a few orders from family members. I will be putting my stuff into a friend's salon next week, so hopefully I will sell some there. Due to the time crunch, I will only take special orders (for baskets and stuff) until december 1. Hopefully next year I will be able to have more onstock!


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I just reactivated my google ads, I wouldn't have do it.. in two days I got three requests, wow it's ok, but I work 8 hours a day in an office HELP

Plus friends and relatives

The worst is a woman wanting 15 candles with the horse insert, all equals, and obviously I have only one mold of that type.

She asked right now for prices.. will see if she agrees.

I'm happy, but I'm always scared by not having enough time!!

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A few people in my office are "interested" in my products, but that's the extent.... I've gotte many orders for my foot soap... so that's exciting.... I'm trying to get ready for a Kwanza/Christmas show on December 2nd.. so soaping if my focus until next weekend (my 5 yr old will be turning 6! :yay: ) then I'll get on the ball with getting ready for the show..... I'm running out of ingredients...*l*....

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I'm hosting my first ever open house this Sunday and will be doing the big local craft fair Nov. 11 and 12. I've had a lot of interest from co-workers this year and am hoping for a good turnout at the open house. I'm anxious to see how it goes. I'll post pics and results when it's over. Wish me luck!

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I've got 5 shows left to do through the holiday season as well as my wholesale accounts. They're starting to order more although still slightly sluggish in one store.

The holiday crowd will start early next month so I'm pouring like crazy to accomidate it so I don't get slammed ten days before Christmas.

I think with the gas prices dropping down, shoppers willwill be more willing to buy rather than just look.;)


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