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how much money on average to you all make a year....


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Candles have been my whole income for over 10 years of my life.

4 years a long time ago and now over 6 years supporting me the wife and all 4 kids. Not many candle makers I know stick with it for very long. If they do its not their only income in the house.

My philosophy is to NEVER have a store but to go to where the people are, don't wait for them to come to you.


BRAVO! And this comes from someone who HAS a store!:timeout: It's only been open 4 months, and I am sooo ready to be done with it. Yes, it was a dream come true (careful what you wish for) and yes, it was a really good experience in many ways.. but as my wholesale business has grown, my retail business has done nothing but get in the way!! I love wholesale, that is the bread and butter of my biz, that along with a few shows in the spirit of getting my name out there. After the holidays, I'm doing what I should have done in the first place... continue letting other stores do the retail part, and supply them with all they need to do so! :cheesy2:

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I do pretty good and I pay 5 others to work for me, but if I were to get rid of my store, I would be alot better off. (maybe even see a profit for my 4th year...)

Stay in your house for as long as you can - if you have to, hold on to the door jambs until they pry you out.

Stores aren't as fun as they seem.

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I'm so glad you posted this question. I was just asking Dani the same question. I do daycare and desperately need to get out. In the small town that i live in, jobs pay $6 an hour unless you are qualified for manager type jobs... that's not enough to even leave my house for, after all the things they take out of it. Plus, with daycare i don't have to leave my house, pay for daycare, buy fancy clothes, spend $$ going out to eat every day, etc. so, while daycare does offer me a lot of benefits, it is also driving me crazy.

I want to open a candle type biz-and what i mean by that is candle type stuff and also some gift type stuff. I am fortunate to live in a town that LOVES handmade items. Plus, we have a lot of farmers and their wives LOVE to shop. i need to make about $1000 profit-and by that i mean that much $$ goes to the house payment.

I already have what i need thanks to a gift from my mother. I think i have the determination to make this work, after all, i opened a daycare 6 years ago with barely anything, and now, it is an awesome set up. Unfortunately, the kids just aren't there, people want too cheap a rate, the hours suck, 5:30 am to 6 pm, there's still after hours work to be done, and i just don't have the kind of kids i want (have some screamers and can't afford to get rid of them). so, i've decided i have to make this work, or i'm going to go crazy.

I think in order to make a decent profit, you need to come up with a "business plan". what do you want to sell, who will you sell it to, where will you sell it, is there a need/desire for your product, can you offer something that the next guy can't?... plus, then you need to make a budget and stick to it. do your research before you just purchase items. or like the other girls suggested you will nickel and dime yourself to death. get the best deals, look around all the supplier websites-there is a link on here for a number of candle/bath and body suppliers, read the forums for things others have tried-what works, what doesn't.. ask friends and family what they think of your products.

I'm just getting started, and like you wondering if i could ever make a biz. out of this, and i say "yes, you can" if you want to, you can do anything you set your mind to. just realize, as others have said, it's not going to be easy. Marketing yourself will probably be the toughest part..

would like to keep in contact with you and others. maybe we can help each other realize our dreams!!

Good Luck!!


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Unfortunately, the kids just aren't there, people want too cheap a rate, the hours suck, 5:30 am to 6 pm, there's still after hours work to be done, and i just don't have the kind of kids i want (have some screamers and can't afford to get rid of them). so, i've decided i have to make this work, or i'm going to go crazy.


You want to see crazy? Just start testing wax, scents, jars, dyes and wicks then see which thing will drive you crazy first. If you need a thousand dollars a month profit you will need to retail about 500.00 a week and that's not an easy task at all especially to someone new to the craft. It will also take a few thousand dollars to just test everything and about a year to perfect your product. Most full timer start out about $10,000 in the hole when they start selling, if you have that kind of backing it could work out great for you. Start up costs are a lot more compared to a daycare. Like everone here will tell you, its not a get rich quick deal. Bruce

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Bruce hit the nail on the head. I am starting my 5th year and have I shown a profit, yup, but its sitting in my garage. 3 skids of glassware, 1 skid of wax and several 25lb pails of oils. Do I take a salary, not yet, it has only been this past year that I've been able to purchase everything in bulk so that I can lower my bottom dollar and make a profit. Can i sit back and let everyone come to me.....like Bruce said you gotta go to them. I do tradeshows (wholesale) 4 times a year and advertise in my target market (magazine geared for retailers). I'm not saying you can't make a living in this business because obviously people do but like any business it won't happen instantly and ya gotta hustle. I do this business full time like Bruce but with one exception, I have a DH with a nice job.....my goal is to top his salary and i'm having a fun time gettin' there.

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I want to open a candle type biz-and what i mean by that is candle type stuff and also some gift type stuff. I am fortunate to live in a town that LOVES handmade items. Plus, we have a lot of farmers and their wives LOVE to shop. i need to make about $1000 profit-and by that i mean that much $$ goes to the house payment.

Maybe Bruce should have read this part.. to be more specific, i should say i will be selling a variety of items related to candles-wax dipped teddy bears, tarts, tart warmers, some wickless candles, jar warmers, herbal items, gift frames, etc.

The only thing i need to test are the tarts and the tart warmers which i have done already. and yes, i do know what i need to retail to get $1000 profit-i've done the math. it's not an overnight thing. I have until August of next year. and as long as it's close, i'm ok, it doesn't have to be exactly $1000. and, i am looking for something else to go along with this so all my eggs are not in one basket.

I realize you were trying to be realistic-but, could you put a positive spin on it instead of being so negative? I don't want to act defensive, but i'm not going to let you or anyone else ruin my dreams either. I am being realistic-and i can tell you which would drive me crazier faster-the screaming kids!!!

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I want to open a candle type biz-and what i mean by that is candle type stuff and also some gift type stuff. I am fortunate to live in a town that LOVES handmade items. Plus, we have a lot of farmers and their wives LOVE to shop. i need to make about $1000 profit-and by that i mean that much $$ goes to the house payment.

Maybe Bruce should have read this part.. to be more specific, i should say i will be selling a variety of items related to candles-wax dipped teddy bears, tarts, tart warmers, some wickless candles, jar warmers, herbal items, gift frames, etc.

The only thing i need to test are the tarts and the tart warmers which i have done already. and yes, i do know what i need to retail to get $1000 profit-i've done the math. it's not an overnight thing. I have until August of next year. and as long as it's close, i'm ok, it doesn't have to be exactly $1000. and, i am looking for something else to go along with this so all my eggs are not in one basket.

I realize you were trying to be realistic-but, could you put a positive spin on it instead of being so negative? I don't want to act defensive, but i'm not going to let you or anyone else ruin my dreams either. I am being realistic-and i can tell you which would drive me crazier faster-the screaming kids!!!

A positive spin on the truth... Hmm. Okay, I'll try.

OMG! How exciting for you to be able to get away from screaming kids!! Now you can stand in your supply/candle store in death silence and hear with complete clarity your own thoughts telling you what you weren't willing to listen to from people who have been there and done that!! How utterly wonderful!! Is that more like it?

Look, you are not the only person on this board to come here with dreams, we have ALL shared those dreams, and some of us have actually realized those dreams! Some of those dreams will come true in a brighter light that any of us could begin to imagine, and some of them will be a stepping stone to places we didn't imagine, but that are good nonetheless.

You butted in on someone else's question here, and expected everyone to just tell you that you have made the ultimate best decision in the world, and now you expect the truth with only a positive spin. I hate to break it to you my dear, but you are in for an extremely rude awakening in the business world! If you can't handle the truth delivered here without a smothering of hearts and flowers, then I would truely hate to see what kind of bluthering mess you will be in when something doesn't go your happy happy way as you try to build your business!

The best advice that you get on this board won't be coated with sugar.. it will be truth that you would do well to take to heart! Not a single one of us wants to steal your dreams, we have our own to try to keep alive!

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Omg, Omg, Omg!!!! :yay:

It's totally awesome! You are so going to love laying down at LEAST $10k for start up, not to mention trying to find someone to insure you! It's incredible! OMG, and the testing! Gurrrl, you are gonna LOVE trying new jars and trying to wick them, it is orgasmic! Especially when you buy one package of every wick on the market and find out none of them work with your wax/jar/fo combo. It's such a high! You'll wonder why you didn't do this sooner! Fo' Sho'.

And the Fragrance oils! Just wait till you get your special bonus oil with floaties! It's better than finding a Cracker Jack prize! I'll keep you in suspense and let you discover that supplier on your own, OMG, you're gonna totally, totally love it!! Just wait till you find some oils that rock and you get fully and completely tested, and you can't get them anymore because the supplier discontinues them and nobody has a dupe. It is the BOMB I tell you. The BOMB!

Oh, and the people... Gurrrl. You are going to love the people that want scents you don't have or haven't tested, or you don't have time to test or can't get. That is incredible! And the shows, wow the shows! All that 36 hour straight pouring. It is a high I just can't explain! :highfive:

The very, very best thing is staying awake at night pouring cases of candles before you start your "real" job in two hours! Sleep, we don't need any! Nope, and it rocks being comatose! :yay:

Oh man, the fun you are going to have! I'm sure you're so going to love it and make a huge profit right away.

(How was that?) :rolleyes2

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it was wrong of me to even post here. i won't make that mistake again. i thought maybe someone would understand, but i guess i was wrong. sorry to have cause such an uproar. if you really knew me, you'd know that wasn't my intention. i guess that's why i rarely post on these boards, and i guess now i know why. i'll go back to lurking now.


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oh good grief, no need to be sorry, just read..learn and enjoy. Nobody is trying to attack you personally, this is just a forum for others to vent their experiences as well. This is just some info for you when your do open your own store and to be careful of the pitfalls so that you will be successful. Your success trickles down to my business as well. If retailers ain't selling then neither am i, so go get em' girl..with eyes wide open..

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it was wrong of me to even post here. i won't make that mistake again. i thought maybe someone would understand, but i guess i was wrong. sorry to have cause such an uproar. if you really knew me, you'd know that wasn't my intention. i guess that's why i rarely post on these boards, and i guess now i know why. i'll go back to lurking now.


You should be glad I didn't tell you what I really thought! I sugar coated it for you. Best of luck to you.... hope you come back and prove us wrong. We will be here waiting.....


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It is now 2:32 am and I just finished shrink wrapping lip balms. I don't know why, but I thought of this thread. I just started getting "bigger" and I sure appreciate what you "even bigger" guys must go through. I mean, I have a full-time job so if my biz flops....it will be disappointing and I will be out some money, but we will be okay. You guys that are out there making a living doing this.....God Bless you guys!!! You bust your arses day in & day out and probably feel unappreciated at times. Well let me just say that there is one tired lady here in OH who has a newfound appreciation for all of your hard work!!! :bow:

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wow i feel so bad for asking this question, i didn't know it would cause such a uproar, i just wanted some honest answers , and oh boy did i get them, but i'm glad ! i have a great full-time job that i've been at for 10 years, i'm only 31 , i was just dreaming about doing this fulltime in about 5-10 years, thanks again for all of the good advice

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Don't give up Camoflauge....we didn't...and we have a very successful business. Our store...located on our property brings in a healthy income...as well as our online business. While we do have wholesale accounts as well....we wouldn't trade the store for anything. Our country style store brings in people from all over the area....they enjoy shopping at a location knowing they will get a great product and not have to pay the high prices found in the bigger residential areas. It is a full time job for me....and my wife works another full time job....and like Bruce...1500 candles a week isn't unheard of by us either. Don't stop dreaming....yes there is frustration, headaches and all that goes with it......but I wouldn't trade this for the world. I immigrated from Canada 4 years ago....the "American dream" does exist. Btw....been making candles for over 25 years.... just so you know I'm not a newbie.

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BRAVO! And this comes from someone who HAS a store!:timeout: It's only been open 4 months, and I am sooo ready to be done with it. Yes, it was a dream come true (careful what you wish for) and yes, it was a really good experience in many ways.. but as my wholesale business has grown, my retail business has done nothing but get in the way!! I love wholesale, that is the bread and butter of my biz, that along with a few shows in the spirit of getting my name out there. After the holidays, I'm doing what I should have done in the first place... continue letting other stores do the retail part, and supply them with all they need to do so! :cheesy2:

I've been at this for 10 years now as well (Hey Bruce!) and it's my sole income. I have a retail store, but i agree with grumpy, it's a PIA.

Wholesale is my main business, I supply chain drug stores with candles. I have about 300 active accounts, and 5 employees.

I will say it takes MAJOR work. I went a few years with hubby paying all the bills, cause I worked by butt off to just break even. Making it a full time income is not for everyone. I just got home and it's 11:18pm..... and i started at 8:45. I worked my store from 9-5, then came home for supper, and a few hours of family time, and went back to work at 8:30-till 11pm. This time of year-this is daily, 7 times a week. All 5 employees are working 6 days a week, but as the boss---a lot has to be done on your own. Tomorrow---paperwork in the am, and packing orders in the PM.

Some days I just want to quit and get a job, I get so tired.

But it's very fofilling. I wouldn't change it for the world :)

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Hey there! Were almost twins with you being 46 and I just turned 47 last month! 25 years candles for you' date=' 29 for me. Yep I wouldn't change a thing.... but you can have the store that's where I draw the line. Unless I were zoned for my store to be at my house.. that might work for me.

Forgot we just did over 1000 one ounce melts on Monday... dang this has been a long week.

All things said and done, most people go full time and open candle stores or have a candle business at home do not end up doing it for the rest of their life. Most of them will fail for one reason or another within the first few years. I will be doing this for the rest of my life, not a doubt in my mind. Camo said she didn't want to have all her eggs in one basket, that makes me think she is unsure.. and that's not a good start. My wife didn't tell me until last year that she thought I was nuts when I told her I was going to go back into candles full time. Well its 6 years later and over 2 years ago she quit her job to help me with the business. If you can make a good enough product you have to go full speed ahead. Don't have 24 candles on the table for them to look at have hundreds so they know you are IN the candle business. Make the best labels you can for your product, look like your a pro, like your products would look right at home in the fanciest stores.

Oh and camo.... don't be rude to people that give you advice. Your probably young and know everything.... just like I was when I was your age. OK, heck I'm that way now too :P but I do learn new things every day and my way works for me. Now if I were going to open a day care and it was my life long dream and you replied about how hard it was and how long the hours were and how fun projectile vomiting kids are ... I wouldn't be insulted because I know that YOU know what you are talking about since you do it for a living.... so why get upset with me for telling you what your up against in the candle making business? I have carved molded dipped hand shaped shaved wax for probably longer than you have been alive. I have made everything from bongs and bells to Mr. Bill and hes dog spot out of wax. Girl I can eat wax and fart taper candles out my butt, I'm that good. :shocked2: I just need to know flat braid or square braid? Oops, I guess no one here will be ordering tapers from me now... Bruce

Brandies22, thanks for posting the question don't feel bad for asking. You look younger than 31 BTW, thought you were 22 because of your name. :grin2: I also applaud you for having the same job for 10 years that's very commendable and that's the kind of commitment that will put you ahead of the game in your candle making ventures.

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