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Presto Wax Melter Question

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I use container wax in my presto pot. I use one presto pot for votive wax and one for container wax. This makes it so much easier for me because I usually have about 4 or 5 pounds in each. If I don't use all the wax I don't have to worry about putting the left over wax into something else just so I can then use a different wax. I guess I am just lazy like that???:wink2:

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Can anyone tell me where to get one of these presto wax melters? I have read about them somewhere else and can't remember where I found the info! It would speed up my candle making process so much if I had one of these, I could make more at once, and clean up wouldn't be near as bad. Thanks!!


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How do you keep the wax at the right temp? Do you put the pour pot on another heat source?

I melt my wax in the presto, pour into the pour pot. Check the temp (I have a digital for that, my candy thermometer is on the presto.) Add FO at the correct temp, stir like crazy until it's the right temp and pour. I have a single burner with a pan of water for repours - just set the pour pot in the pan of water.

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I have two pots. One with container wax in it, and I color and scent in my pour pots. Since I melt the wax to 180, and pour at 160 I have plenty of time to scent & color; I have a second presto that I just have water in to use as a double boiler for my votives/melts, and just put melt the wax in the pour pot (reminds me of when I first started on the stove).

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I have three presto pots - well actually four but one I use for melting my oils to make soap (I have this oil + microwave fear... :( ) - anyway... I use all three for votive or container wax. I usually melt enough wax for the job I need to do and I add my color and my scent right in the presto pot. They are so super easy to clean out that it's just easier for me to do that. Once I have the color and scent in, I shut off the presto pot and let it cool a bit, then I pour it into my pouring pot. By then it's usually cool enough to let me pour - but then I pour rather hot (about 120*) compaired to most repenishable wax chandlers. It works better for me to do that - less wet spots and all that... I also leave it in the presto pot for as long as I can because that way if I let it cool too long, I can just warm it up a bit right in the pot. I don't like using double boiler things with candles because I'm kinda klutzy and I get water EVERYWHERE!! lol

Life & Light!


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I agree with Tish - I just put color and fo in my pot and then when ready to pour it put in my pitcher and pour. They are very easy to clean up. Anything under 2 lbs of wax though I do use my pour pot as a double boiler. It just seems easier to do smaller amounts in the pour pot. For my double boiler I use an old presto pressure cooker that the handle broke on and I always keep it warming with water. Help to have to clean out pour pitcher and also if you get interrupted - just put your pour pot in it. When I have a large job I have 2 presto pots and I use both of them. Couldn't make it without them.:D

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Good question. Why not just pour the amount of wax you need?

I fill each presto with wax and UV and pour till I'm done. When I'm about done with containers, I plug in the votive pot. I have a shelf on my work table that holds all the prestos. I just move my scale under which ever one I'm using.

I don't like to do dishes, why would I want to clean the presto after each batch? :laugh2:

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I have a presto pot for each different type of wax that I use. I scoop it out into a pouring pitcher stir in the scent and color and then if I have to repour I heat the pouring pitcher in the Turkey Roaster. I love my presto pots and would not use anything other.

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