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Does anyone NOT put coloring into candles?

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No colour here either. How many times did I hear...

'I like the fragrance but not the colour'

'I like the colour but not the fragrance'

Mr Chips.


Hate it when you lose a sale because the color of the candle wouldn't match their decor. :angry2:


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I've had many customers tell me they liked the fact that I don't color my candles b/c they don't have to worry about matching the color with their rooms. Then on the other hand latly I've had people ask my why they were all the same color. I just explain to them how natural soy wax is and to add anything more to them than scent it's taking away to much of the naturalness of the candle. And most of them tell me that it makes sense. So no color here. HTH Cindy/WI

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When I made my first soys for sale I did not color them and they sold just fine, not a peep out of any customer.

I have since put back color because I missed it, not because any one complained.

I was suprised that no color sold as well as colored, each one had a different ivory look because of the colors of the fragrance oils.

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