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I Finally Did It!!!

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I finally broke down and bought a heat gun today! :yay: Once I get over my sheer terror of it,:eek: perhaps I will use it too! LOL I did a search under "heat gun" and found some great info. One thing I didn't see is if anyone uses a special workspace when using these. I usually work in my kitchen and don't want to mess up my kitchen countertops! I already have this vision, too, of me melting shrinkwrap to my soap until I get the hang of it!! :D My hair dryer is getting retired. I am tired of splashed wax and scared babies every time I turn that old dinosaur on!

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On the high setting you should be able to burn paper to a cinder. Not that I recommend anyone do that of course. Except...well, you know...for fun. Don't get your fingers.

Heck do it just once and you may not do it again, unless you're me. Makes great toast too.

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It's never messed up my counters, but my table has a couple of blisters!:whistle: Oops!!

LOL!!! Ever see the "Flamethrower Burger" commercials from Dairy Queen? I have this vision of me turning around, catching the curtain on fire....then paper towels, then a box of cereal....etc. (No, I still haven't pulled it from it's prison that is the Wagner box....) Thanks for the responses, though, everyone! I'm slowly building up the courage to open the box.....

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I LOVE MY HEAT GUN! Look out for that tip though, gets red hot and will burn your entire hand in less than a second (ask me how I know). As for scared babies, the heat gun does make noise like a hair dryer, not as loud though so hopefully your little ones will not be fearful of it.

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When I got mine I made sure to get myself in the habit of ALWAYS putting it down in the upright position, on its base. After a few uses I found that I do that every time, by habit now. My b/f warned me of that. It's the greatest thing to have and USE, but be careful! Form good habits...good luck

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