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I give up!!


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That's it, I give up. There is waaaaay too much stuff to worry about for me to make candles. You have to worry about people suing you, your house burning down and your homeowners insurance not covering it. You have to test, test, test and still what you're doing isn't right. I don't know you you guys deal with all the stress of this business. I thought it was supposed to be fun and all I've done is worry. How do you deal?

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I'm still pretty new to this stuff also, but don't give up yet! It's all over-whelming at first. But if you start with just one type of candle, like a container and keep on making those untill you feel you have it down pat and then move on to something else, its not that bad. I basically stick to one type of wax and one wick until I feel like I know whats going on. Also stick with one type of jar, the jelly jar was the easiest for me. You'll be surprised how much you will learn and get to know that wax, wick and jar in no time. So maybe try that and don't give up just yet. Dee....Oh and keep notes on everything you do, you can go back and look something up that you might have tried, or something that didn't work. Good Luck :D

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Not just candles you also have worries of getting sued for car accidents,home accidents and many other things.I say make candles,test and get insurance.Every time i get in a car I am almost in a wreck.Accidents around me all the time so you have to be on your toes.

Just a few weeks ago a semi pulled in front of my husband and I. He was stopped but decided to go ahead.We were a 1/2 block or less from him.He saw us.So pulls out.This is a major intersection in a very very small town.I have patience but so many wrecks and a elderly lady was killed walking there.So I being a usual calm person put my hand on horn(husband driving) laid on the horn till the semi went through the intersection.After that I looked at all other drivers at every corner and just shrugged my shoulders.I couldn't help myself.In one week I was almost in 5 accidents in this small town I live close to so you just get to that point.I won't take this anymore.

Sounds like with candles you have fear but accidents are more likely to happen than houses burning or people having allergies. A fire likely could be a candle unattended.That happens.If body and bath label ingredients and maybe put candle warnings with purchase but doesn't mean they go by them.I have even left a candle burning.I bet we are all guilty and forgetful at times.

I THINK you will change.Look at all of us who make candles and so far none of us seem to have problems unless maybe when wholesaling etc.


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I started out by going to candle party and thought WOW I'd like to give this a try and of course I did and now have been testing since March and believe me there was a time when I was ready to give up and then like a few days later I tested a candle and it was PERFECT well ok nothing is ever perfect but I was so excited that it gave me the little nudge to keep going and so far so good. I love making candles but would like to someday make a side job out of it so when I get frustrated I just think about all the great candles I made so far! The down side is my husband thinks I spend too much money on it but he doesnt even have a "real" clue of how much I spend :lipsrseal LOL


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Wow......In another thread I got admonished for trying to help my spouse (and partner in everything) and you gals would be overjoyed if yours jumped in....Wish i could give those "lumps" a kick in the ass for you....They do not know what they are missing....RCS..

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How do you guys deal with your mate when they don't support you on a business? My husband does NOT want me to get my tax id# because he doesn't want our taxes to be screwed up. Plus the fact that he's not a risk taker.

My hubby was the same way, but now we are partners. Try and make him apart of the whole thing. Show him different "creations". Try and include him with testing and stuff like that. I told my husband it was his fault I started doing this anyways because he was the one that told me to get a hobby. Once he saw that people liked my stuff and where wanting to pay for it, his tune changed. Hopefully he will come around.


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In regards to hesitant hubby... gather your information first. Know what you are talking about and show that you got it all covered and how really simple it is. Approach it in a 'step 1 - step 2...' etc kind of thing. Anything 'unknown' can be a huge risk for some men. These types always find it easier to just say no... but not because they are really against it. They just don't want the bother/hassle or as you say... risk. So dispell all that with information. I don't know much about getting a tax id# myself (except that it allows you to buy wholesale sometimes - and this can be a very big plus to share with hubby, lol) but I do think you should be able to keep it separate from you and your husbands regular tax files. I don't think it has to have anything to do with him. In this case, you could just do it yourself. It really has very little to do with him and he wouldn't have much ground to stand on to object. Don't let the man keep you down, I say! Lol- Just kidding. Just put your name only on it. And remember and remind him, once you do it, it's done. As with anything new, it's just the unfamiliar territory of it all in the beginning that can be most flustering. If nothing else...there is no rush to start a business if you are relatively new at this anyways. (you can still get a tax id# w/o having to actually run a store front or whatever. I beleive you just have to have a registered business name and what ever basic requirement your county/state requires. Maybe you are putting too much pressure on yourself. You have to make it fun or it won't last long and all your investments will be for naught. Take your time and enjoy your talents at it. Good luck to you in what ever you decide. :meditate:

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