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Whispy Love Spell Swirl~


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YAY, it turned out like I wanted it too!! This is still in the mold but I'm gonna cut it tonight.

I also need to cut and take a pic of my island christmas soap, but it's a little oily so I'm gonna wait and see if it sinks back in before I take a pic and cut it.

Anyway, here is my love spell swirls...



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I like the whispies :yay:

Your turn to share (please), I have NG's and the scent changed in my batch and it faded as well. I'd luv to find a good Lovepell for CP.

I got this from SFS or as the acronym is now, ASS. lmao

A Scent Shop - Leah, it's the best love spell I've tried. I really like it. doesn't change, doesn't morph, doesn't fade, and it doesn't discolor. :)

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Gorgeous, delicate swirlies.

Perfect for this scent. Did you do ITP swirls?

Great job! :highfive:

No, this is in the slab. I took out about a cup of the base and mixed it with Peaks Ultramarine Violet color that I had sitting ready (I mix my colorant with about a TBLS of Almond Oil - IMO it mixes better this way than with glycerin) then I poured my base, just a thin layer on the bottom of the mold, then kinda zig zagged some color, more base, more color, the rest of the base then the rest of the color. Took my knife then just started swirling it around until it was about like that. :)

The bottom of the soap is more "blobby" than swirled, but at least there IS color on the bottom of the soap. :)

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I got this from SFS or as the acronym is now, ASS. lmao

A Scent Shop - Leah, it's the best love spell I've tried. I really like it. doesn't change, doesn't morph, doesn't fade, and it doesn't discolor. :)

THANK U THANK U Thank U !!!!!!!!!! I LUV Leah's oils and haven't ordered from her in a LONG time :drool:

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