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the hard life of an italian candlemaker!!!

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Ok, this is my periodical rant!!! I just discovered that one of the supplier I used to buy from raised the prices.

The past year 10 kilos of staright paraffin were 31 euros (about 20 lbs for $40), and now it's 10 kilos for 41 euros (the same quantity for $51).


as it wasn't too expensive before... how am I supposed to make candles at a good price??????

I'm seriously thinking to come and live there!!!!!!!!:D

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It isn't different here. Some of the waxes have taken an increase in the neighborhood of $7-$9 for a case ;) We're all trying to figure on how to do this that or the other. Actually, your wax is cheaper by case than what mine is. If I had the room for a pallet, by gosh I'd get it that way. (Then I'd be cheaper than you lol!)

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Scented, I'm not an excellent mind, but how it can be cheaper here?

I looked on Peak site, 10 lbs of 1343 cost 11.95$.

So 20 lbs are more or less $24.

Which is less then what I wrote before.. or do I have to change my calculator LOL

I know prices are rising everywhere, but you know me a little and you know that if I don't rant every two month I'm not happy!!;)

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I think Scented thought that was the price you were paying for a case. ;)

Dang girl, that sucks.

I guess you should actually be thankful that you have a source to buy it from over there huh? Do you still have to have it shipped? Is this an imported wax do you know? If so, I'm assuming that also contributes to the higher cost, unfortunately.

This is what KILLS me, I don't mind paying a bit more for the wax itself, cuz it's the nature of the beast, but having the shipping be MORE than the wax cost me, just makes me cringe every time!!!! :sad2:

I guess you've probably done this already (being as it's a major concern for you and all of us), but have you searched here to see if you could get it for cheaper, even with shipping?

I also agree with Scented about buying by the pallet, if I could afford it and had someplace to store it all, I'd do that, and be one happy girl!! :D

I really feel for you and those others who are overseas, that don't have as many options "locally" (loosely termed of course) to turn to. Shoot, I feel sorry for myself ALL the time that I don't have suppliers close by to me, within driving distance like some others do.

Anyway, I know you are a dedicated candlemaker, and you will find a way.....

Good luck to you.

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Hi Michi,

I can't buy wax there, too heavy to be shipped!!

I don't know what's the problem here, we have a lot of small companies who produce candles, but as for the materials.. I still wonder where they buy.

The problem is I have no tax id (i'm a private citizien) so the big company can't sell to me.

So for now I buy my wax in an hobby store, and that's the only source I have for now.

It's an italian product.

I just had a chat whit the president of one italian company about the italian industry, he kindly invietd me in their labs, but since I told him he was saying something wrong abot wicks and so on... I don't kno if I have the heart to face him LOL!!!!

But who knows, maybe there is something going on.. and for the first time in my life I found a supplier who is willing me to send me a bit of his wax to test, just asking me to pay for shipping. It has never happened before.

The problem with iatlian people who runs their business is that they don't even consider to help customers, they sell. and that's all.

Ok, I will wait to see if something nice happens, who knows!!

Thank you!

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This is just one of the reasons I am going to concentrate on more hurricane and orbs....less wax and you get a big candle....of course it isn't scented....but there is still a big market for them. I make a better profit from my smaller pillar candles so that is what I will mostly be doing...wax is like gold now...it will probably go up again too.....Big sis, Donita

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Go face him! Shows you know your stuff as long as you were in the right and that you have a willingness to learn if you weren't ;)

Yeah I was thinking you were paying about what $51 for a case of wax and I can't get my cases that cheaply unless I get a pallet, which I have not room for all that wax.

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Go face him! Shows you know your stuff as long as you were in the right and that you have a willingness to learn if you weren't ;)

Yeah I was thinking you were paying about what $51 for a case of wax and I can't get my cases that cheaply unless I get a pallet, which I have not room for all that wax.

Scented, he never answered back LOL

We don't have cases!!! Or better, I can't have cases, but I can buy 25 kilos bags (about 15 lbs).

I'm going to try a sample of wax and if I like it I will ask for a better price. Who knows!

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Can't add much about the cost of wax, since I use soy, but I wanted to say I like your site! How are Dot and Comma doing? :D


Thanks Geek!!

Dot and Comma are fine, they have a new little brother now. He is without name because I can't decide on a nice name!

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Thanks Geek!!

Dot and Comma are fine, they have a new little brother now. He is without name because I can't decide on a nice name!

Hi Sabrina

If you let me know what wax you're using, I can see if the people I buy it from can send it to you and what sort of price you'd be paying. Shipping from here in the UK is going to be much cheaper than from the USA and I buy my wax direct from the refinery - I know the guys who work there well so I can try and get a good price for you. Do you use paraffin or soy? Pillar or container?


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Hi Natty,

I'm not sure it will costs me less, because euro is very weak to GBP. Anyway now I'm using a preblend of stearin and paraffin, but I was looking if I can switch to a straight paraffin.

I'm going to have a sample of a 56°-58° MP straight paraffin to test. I think it's a common paraffin for pillars. Then I will additives.

Thank you very much!

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