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Looking for the best website for printer

Brenda (OH)

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ink cartridges that have good quality and LOW prices? I have a HP Inkjet All-in-One. Are there any good sites you an lead me to or any bad ones you can suggest I stear clear of? Seems like I am always replacing them and am hoping to save some $$$. I have been getting them at Walmart but I am hoping there is some place online to get them more reasonable.

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I dont know, when you factor in the shipping from buying online might as well head to Walmart or Office Depot. You might be able to find a good multipack on Ebay.

I usually get mine at Office Depot, they have their own brand that is a few dollars cheaper. And if you save your empty cartridges and dont send them in that little bag they give you now for recylcing, you can pop those on Ebay and make some money. People who use the refillable ink buy them. I saw one guy on there a few days ago selling 8 empty cartridges, bidding was already at $90. I wish I did not throw my gazillion that I used to have just lying around in the trash. Now I keep them.

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123 for me as well.

I did it the backwards way. I was bemoaning the fact that my printer used such expensive cartridges. A friend pointed out the cartridges she uses for her Canon, and I was floored by how cheap they are. So I printed out a list of the models that used those cartridges, and went to Ebay in search of a new or used printer. Found and bought a couple used ones for "beans" really, and love the fact that I can print w/o being misery now.:yay:

Phooey on expensive ink cartridges!!!

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