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Ellen's Essentails


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I need help. I purchased with my credit card some foil and a bath bomb maker from Ellen's Essentials almost 10 days ago. i have not received them and i have sent about 6 emails and no response. Today while researching to see if anyone had a number for them I read post about delays in getting items. Has anyone dealt with them lately, if so how did it go and what should i do? Your help is greatly appreciated.


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Dominique received an answer to the one and only email I received from her and she received the items she ordered.

May I suggest that if anyone has a request or if there is something I can help someone with they write me directly. My email address has changed recently but I can be reached through our website by clicking on the Send Email button in the upper right hand corner of every page.

I don't follow or post in forums much at all. This will most likely be my one and only post here, sorry, but that's just how things are. So if anyone wants to correspond, they'll have to write me directly.

And further there has been a rumor going around that I'm going out of business. (It probably started with the wishful thinking of some miserable person, but I'm not going there.:P ) If anyone would like to know whether this "rumor" is true or not, all they have to do is write ask. :D

Have a great day and happy soap'n!



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"If anyone would like to know whether this "rumor" is true or not, all they have to do is write ask."

If you are a legit business, don't you think you should make that announcement to everyone and not just the people who are "curious" if you are going out of business?

Also, as a business owner, it is your responsibility to have a working email, telephone number and method to reach you - not to mention if you charge someone's CC you are to ship within 24 hours.

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"If anyone would like to know whether this "rumor" is true or not, all they have to do is write ask."

If you are a legit business, don't you think you should make that announcement to everyone and not just the people who are "curious" if you are going out of business?

Also, as a business owner, it is your responsibility to have a working email, telephone number and method to reach you - not to mention if you charge someone's CC you are to ship within 24 hours.

:highfive: :thumbsup::laugh2:

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Games? Does anyone see me playing games? I see me supporting two fellow candle/soap makers on the board who have tried to purchase from you and haven't had success. How is that playing games? I am not the one that sent you here ( obviously someone did). I am not the one that came on here trying to defend my company because I can't handle things. All I said to you is that I don't think this is a laughing matter since you thought we were being funny. I don't see what Kristen'sShowers or I said that was funny. You may want to go back and re-read what we wrote to better educate yourself!


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Ellen, owning a business is not a game and if you can't adhere to the rules it will only be a matter of time before someone comes in and shuts your business down for you.

There are many articles online you can look over on how to successfully run a business, I suggest you take your spare time and really read them over or look into your local Small Business Center.

You know, there are over 4000+ members here - many potential new clients. I would think you would want to represent yourself a little better than:

"Okay, whatever, I don't have time for your games. Have fun with your misery.



Good luck with your business.

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I got some Foil Sample packs for Ellen and they were great. It did take a while for her to answer my emails, but she did get back to me.

However, I will be adding Ellen to my list of suppliers that I refuse to order from because of their obvious Bi polar disorders. You do not come onto a message board with THOUSANDS of potential customers and act like an ass!

Boycott List....

1. Just Scent ..aka Just Crap

2. Ellens Essentials

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I got some Foil Sample packs for Ellen and they were great. It did take a while for her to answer my emails, but she did get back to me.

However, I will be adding Ellen to my list of suppliers that I refuse to order from because of their obvious Bi polar disorders. You do not come onto a message board with THOUSANDS of potential customers and act like an ass!

Boycott List....

1. Just Scent ..aka Just Crap

2. Ellens Essentials

Too funny Kimberly.. I think Ellen will be on a bunch of people's DO NOT BUY FROM list. lol

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Lets get back on topic of people that have had actual experience with this company.

Ellen if you had left this thread alone it would have fallen by the way side coming in 3 days later and bring it back up to the front was bad business on your part. Now everyone will come and read where only a few had an interest before.

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Lets get back on topic of people that have had actual experience with this company.

Ellen if you had left this thread alone it would have fallen by the way side coming in 3 days later and bring it back up to the front was bad business on your part. Now everyone will come and read where only a few had an interest before.

True true true.....cause I have been eyeing the B&B section and was needing to find a supplier.

Well, thanks for letting me know where not to order from.

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OMG Ellen, What a way to act ...

I sure hope you don't call yourself a business woman.

Because a "real" business person would not act this way

You act like it's no big deal.

Then you say "Then I get attacked by the hyena clique. "

Like said before, there are alot of members here who has just seen all the crap you wrote.

So not a way to drum up business.

But I'm sure you have alot of customers already and don't need any new customers from here huh?:rolleyes:

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