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How do you make your label?


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How many make your own and use a label maker and how many people have it done professionaly? I have gotten a price on the label my hubby designed for me but since it was a 3 color job it would be close to 200 for 500 labels..I think it would be worth the investment eventually but for now I bought some clear laser print labels from labels by the sheet and am going to have hubby come up with something for them until I can afford the other..

Any ideas out there? :) Thanks in advance..

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Professional labels here & never going back!

After adding up all the costs of a printer, label, ink and labor I was a fool not to invest in professional labels sooner. Not only are they cheaper, they look better and freed my time up to do more important things.

Make a list pros/cons then crunch the numbers - see what works best for you.

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I used to have my labels professionallly done and I highly recommend going that way if you can afford it. The printing company I used to use decided to open a gift shop and now I sell my candles to them. Without anyone to do my labels I started making my own labels and now I do all my own stuff. I really enjoy it..

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If you can find a company you are happy with that can do them digitally, I don't think they charge more for multiple colors.....keep looking and I'm sure you can find a cheaper place. I'm doing the same thing now - shopping around for someone to do them for me - I hate making labels! Takes away from the time I'd rather spend making stuff :grin2:

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We have used professionally printed labels for six years. When we started out, we made our own; adding up all of the costs showed how dumb we were, plus they did not look as good. Ask for prices at different label levels. The price drops a lot with larger orders. They are expensive though, but worth it.

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For those of you who get your labels printed professionally, I am assuming you have a standard label that is done by the printer, without the scent name on it. How do you label your scent? Do you have a small clear label that you put over top of the professional lable? I was a graphic artist right after high school and have an uncle who is a printer, and will do it at cost, but I've contemplated the "scent" issue.

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That is one of the problems we had since we have 30 scents - but if you put those on the label, you have 30 plate changes!! That was too much money, so I just left them "general" and got labels that were just scent labels to put on the product (we put them on top of the lid in the middle)

I have seen a couple other places that have professional labels, but then put a clear scent label either under or over the label - if you leave a space on the original, you should be able to do that.

OR - you could make them yourself by getting some vinyl labels from www.onlinelabels.com and using a laser printer. On my smaller sample products, I use these instead of the professional ones (only because they are samples and I can't justify putting a professional label on those little lids lol)

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Oh and also - if you are going to go the professional route, make sure you have what you want on your labels and you will want that for a long time lol

My labels were a very large investment and needless to say I won't be changing my look anytime soon, but I really took alot of time developing my look before I decided on a label.

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