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Another dumb question


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You can line it with a trash bag or use freezer paper. Many people make mylar liners to fit exactly in the mold. I have not tried that. You should cover it with saran to protect it from sticking to what ever you have covering it. At least that's what I do. Then you can cover it with heavey piece of cardbroad or why not have him make a lid too. it can be anything that fits across the top. HTH Sue

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I don't have a lid for my mold so would I just cut a piece of cardboard to fit inside the mold or can I just lay it on top or I remember reading somewhere to wrap it in a blanket? Can I line the mold with plastic wrap or do you think a trash bag would work better. I finally have everything to make my first batch and I want to make sure I have it lined right.

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When I lined my molds, I figured I was too stupid to use a trash bag without getting lots of wrinkles in it. :laugh2: So I used freezer paper. With a little practice, and with cutting out the excess paper at the corners, you can make a smooth lining with freezer paper.

If you want to put plastic wrap directly onto the top surface of the soap batter, you will avoid ash. However, be prepared for the wrinkles again -- especially if your soap goes to gel!

Happy soaping! :D

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I dont' have a lid so have tried a few different things. One is to just put a nice wooden cutting board on top, but I personally got overheated batches that way. Now I just plop a metal cookie sheet over the mold (mine are aluminum cookie sheets so I taped some freezer paper to it as aluminum and lye are a bad combo). I put the mold on top of towels and put another thick towel on top and tucked in along the sides so it's all snug. This works well for me. But every house is different, and every room. I can do that in the bedroom and it works perfectly but not in the kitchen.

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I dont' have a lid so have tried a few different things. One is to just put a nice wooden cutting board on top, but I personally got overheated batches that way. Now I just plop a metal cookie sheet over the mold (mine are aluminum cookie sheets so I taped some freezer paper to it as aluminum and lye are a bad combo). I put the mold on top of towels and put another thick towel on top and tucked in along the sides so it's all snug. This works well for me. But every house is different, and every room. I can do that in the bedroom and it works perfectly but not in the kitchen.

Just curious as mine also overheat when I put a wood board on top-why doesn't it overheat with a cookie sheet on top?

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OGM, I thought I was the only who was missing a few screws when it comes to lining with a garbage bag:laugh2: Talk about wrinkles galore! Now I have the freezer paper thing downpat, and for soap that I am just using myself, I use those huge USPS milipack envelopes:laugh2: works like a charm and reusable!

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You guys are to funny,Thanks to everyone for the infro.I have been using log molds,and got the freezer paper down pat,now to the slab mold.

Thanks eugenia, "DUH" why didn't I think of cutting slits in the paper.


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