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Getting started with the marketing end


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Word of mouth is the best way to start, imho. I started by giving some free votives to the ladies who worked in my law school's office. They burned the wickless in the office and I got more customers that way, lol. Now they buy frequently and so it was a great way to get off the ground. My MIL has also been a great help. We don't live in the same state anymore (thank goodness!!), but she tells all her friends about my business and gives my candles as presents. I get orders from people all over the southeast who know my MIL, so she has definitely been a good resource. Start with people you know, friends/family, and then branch out a bit. Bring freebies and brochures to the ladies at your dentist office, Dr. office, hairstylist, etc. Always keeps business cands/brochures on hand to pass out to people.

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Definitely agree!

Take freebies into the bank too - that is the place I think my candles really got "started". So many people come in and out of the bank and when they start to ask questions about the smell of the candle, it opens up conversation about my company.

Of course you have to get one of the tellers or the bankers to want to help you too - but that is where banking with them comes into play :)

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  • 4 years later...
Definitely agree!

Take freebies into the bank too - that is the place I think my candles really got "started". So many people come in and out of the bank and when they start to ask questions about the smell of the candle, it opens up conversation about my company.

Of course you have to get one of the tellers or the bankers to want to help you too - but that is where banking with them comes into play :)

I have a small bank even though I live in downtown Atlanta. There is the same teller there everyday and one other lady and everyone else is in the offices. Not very friendly IMO so the bank option doesn't work for me in my area. I wish it did though.

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Word of mouth has been what has fueled sales for me all along. I find my website is merely informational as it doesn't generate lots of sales. I think you'll find most of us started this way. I started simply because I liked making candles, then my sister took one in to her office and people wanted to buy and the rest is history. :)

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Agreed with the other posters here, word of mouth gets you going. A website I think comes down the road a bit more, once you have a customer base and a slight following =)

We started out with just friends at work and family (not much of that tho) and went from there. As many know we also do custom glass art too and one day were in a local flea market looking for some unique pieces and found there was no candle vendor in there. So we looked at eachother and said, lets go for it! And never looked back =)

For sure always have business cards, brochures on hand. If possible have samples to hand out but honestly....that gets expensive if your just throwing them to every Tom, Dick and Harry =) If your big on the sample thing tho, maybe put a dab of FO on the card itself and then its a scented business card (humm... wonder if that would work).. Other then that, have fun with it, be proud of what you do and be the best you can be at it! Put car magnets on your car with your number (website), put up flyers around your town....there are so many ways to promote yourself, you just have to think outside the box sometimes =)

HTH and best of luck in your business!

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