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Test burning multiple candles

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I know it's necessary to space out candles and not burn too many at once, so they don't affect each other. But what really is the limit?

To be specific, does anybody see a problem with wick testing 6 candles 3 feet apart or maybe 8 candles 2 feet apart in a medium-to-large room?

Your views appreciated.

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Top: Not that it's the "right" way to do it, but I test alot of candles in the same room (spaced apart) when I'm just testing a wick size. When I'm testing for scent throw on the other hand, I put them in my bathroom and only test the one candle at the time. I honestly don't see where testing more than one candle in the same room would cause that much difference in the burn if you're only testing the wick size. But, then again, I've been known to do things bass ackwards,,,,LOL HTH Portia

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I will do the same if testing just wicks..

I put them on on my dining room table and light them all..

When testing scent throw:

I will light different candles in different rooms and shut the doors.

(When I have candle nose, I will just light one at a time to test,

or I have family and my kids friends walk into each room to give me their opinion the the scent throw!!)

My children and their friends are a huge help rin regards to testing scent throw..

Children are quite honest about what they like and don't like, what they can and can't smell..

So they help a lot..

Go round up some kids on the streets of NY!!! LOL

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It depends somewhat on the size. Go by touch. Put it far enough away that you can't feel the heat from the neighboring candle. And, of coarse, no drafts, not in direct sunlight, yadda yadda.

If it is just wick size, I agree, it is more a spacing issue, not number issuse. But if it is for scent throw then (for me) I have to use separate rooms, separate days, etc.

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Hi Top, I don't see any problem with spacing your testers 2 or 3 feet apart. My testers are always on the same table...right where I can see them from the other rooms. I have lined up as many as five candles only a few inches apart. HTH

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I test my wicks the same too-- I line up a batch of about six to eight at a time to test. For fragrances I love to test in a small wide mouthed jar so I get a nice wide melt pool to fill the room.
My exploding candles have melt pools that fill the room.

Thanks for all the replies.

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The first few times I light a candle I am looking for throw so I put them in separate rooms and decide if the candle is throwing to my expectations. After I have established how well it does or does not throw, I have no problem lining them up on the dining room table and just letting them burn. I can walk by several times and see melt pools, check for smoking ect. I burn them all to the end, even the ones I will not carry for one reason or another as I like to have a record to keep on file.

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