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Foil Sample Packets~How to Fill??


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It depends on what you are putting in them. First I found a cup that I can stand 4 packets in and they stay open fairly well and I use a turkey baster for my scrubs before they get too firm and it worked very well for me. My scrub is not too firm to begin with though. I also use it for lotions. Anything liquid or soft I think this is the easiest way for anything that will not go through a baster I use a funnel. HTH Sue

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I received some a week ago from KB and was wondering how to fill them w/out making a mess. I know there was a thread before about this but I can't find it. TIA :)

Are your packets the gusseted stand-up type; what is the size & can you reseal them once opened; if so, where did you purchase them? Thank you.

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When I filled mine I used a small ziplock baggie with the corner snipped away and squeezed the contents into the sampler. I thought of the turkey baster too and went searching for it, and came to the conclusion that since I only make a turkey once a year, and I only use my oven for CPOP:laugh2:(my husband does 99% of our cooking), I must have thrown it out:laugh2:

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When I filled mine I used a small ziplock baggie with the corner snipped away and squeezed the contents into the sampler.

How do you seal it? think I remember a thread where someone used either an iron or a hair flat iron. I wondered how they kept everything from oozing out.:undecided

I wanted to try these for my gel and other stuff and I really need to get a few hundred samples together soon.

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I may have to try the larger ones. I had some of the 2"x4" ones and I hate those *&%$ things with a passion (see classy's, lol). Probably more because I procrastinated and was up until 2 am trying to get the *&%^ things to seal. Chalk it up to user error.

Kitty yours look superb :) Wish I had snagged some on my last order.

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i bought some sample sizes for my scrubs...only a few worked w/out leaking or ozing out upon closing. i couldn't figure out how to close them...i used alot of things. my sealer from food saver worked the best but then again only worked part of the time. i dont know how to seal w/out leaking as wel as all the moisture comes forward when trying to seal if i lay down etc... i certainly need these to work, since i bought them PLUS i dont know how to give out samples of scrubs that are not going to leak. i have taken a long break cuz i got so frustrated:( sorry i hijacked your post :tiptoe: ill sneak away now.

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I also have foil sample packets to send out my shea butter samples. Well, I deliberately took one and messed it up twelve ways from Sunday so that I could figure out how to seal the durn thing. I finally was able to seal it with a hot curling iron, believe it or not. I used one the "gold n hot" curling irons on 7.

That was cool, but how to fill? The shea was sticky and I was having a time. Sooooooo, I scooped out 1/2 TBS samples, plopped them on waxed paper (over a plate) and put them in the freezer. Voila! Shea butter balls, perfect for popping in to the small foil packet and sealing with a minimum of muss/fuss.

Hope this helps someone!:grin2:

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I also have foil sample packets to send out my shea butter samples. Well, I deliberately took one and messed it up twelve ways from Sunday so that I could figure out how to seal the durn thing. I finally was able to seal it with a hot curling iron, believe it or not. I used one the "gold n hot" curling irons on 7.

Great idea and I think a flat iron would work very well too because the package would be upright and there's a lesser chance of anything leaking unless it's over filled.

That was cool, but how to fill? The shea was sticky and I was having a time. Sooooooo, I scooped out 1/2 TBS samples, plopped them on waxed paper (over a plate) and put them in the freezer. Voila! Shea butter balls, perfect for popping in to the small foil packet and sealing with a minimum of muss/fuss.

I have tiny bottles for the shea balm and use a zip lock bag to fill them.

but that's a good idea..have you tested to see if there was any change in the shea texture after freezing?

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I use a sryinge like you get for childrens liquid cough syrup. You don't want to fill too much or they will squish out when you seel them. I have small ones from KB and they hold approx. 1/5oz. They are great as the customer gets just enough to sample but don't cost a lot to make and give away as a promo item.

edited. .. I use a flat iron from walmart the ones for straitening hair. I got it for $10 as I don't have a heat sealer yet. Just make sure you let it get good and hot. It works like a charm.

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I found the best thing to use to fill these with was a sryinge thingy that you inject meats with. I got mine at wally world. Its in the gadget isle....it worked perfectly....it has a long needle thing on it that fit all the way to the bottom of the packet. I hope this makes sense. Let me see if I can find a pic of what I am talking about.

And the flat irons are the bomb to seal them.


Ok lets see if this worksinjector1-mv.jpg if so this thing is awesome!!!

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