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Foot Rot?

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At another board I visit a lot of people were soaking their feet in Listerine and it took care of cracked and dry feet. They were soaking their feet in a shoebox or larger size tote full of Listerine and used the same batch for a couple of uses until it turned sorta cloudy. They soaked for about 15 minutes a day. I actually tried it b/c I had an order/bacteria problem and it stopped my feet from being stinky. I don't know if it will help but it is worth a try.

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I"d try something like Tanactin too, first. The powder spray is good, even the Wal-Mart brand (Equate) works good and is much cheaper.

Athletes Foot can be on the soles and heels too as well as inbetween the toes. It might clear up easy with something like that.

ETA: (We posted at the same time)....So how long has she tried it for? It can take a couple weeks to clear it up,and you need to apply once or twice a day. AF can also come back if you're feet are subjected to damp, humid areas that may not dry out. The fungus can live there and you can pick it up just by walking in the area.

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It sounds like what my husband gets, his is from over exposure to moisture, its not athletes foot at all,( his is from wearing wool socks and combat boots everyday!!)

we use pure shea, I also use a callous shaver on his feet to get all the dry/dead skin off esp where his feet crack open.. ( all the treatments in the world will have a tough time penetrating hardened skin) I also massage g\his feet once a week with emu oil. I do use a commercial foot tretment from Bath and Body..blue spa best foot forward.. its the best commercial foot cream i have found.

The key to controlling his, is keeping his feet dry.... cotton socks or bare feet whenever possible, and foot powders with cornstarch or something else moisture absorbing.

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