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White Peach and Charisma


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Yesterday I made the last two soaps I had planned before taking a soaping break for a while (out of storage space :embarasse ). Here is Charisma - scented with Acadian Homecoming from SW that smells of cedar, spice, and everything nice:


Here is White Peach (also from SW):


Thanks for checking them out! :)

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Thanks everyone!

Love them and particularly that first!! You aren't using the squirt bottle methold to swirl are you?

No squirt bottle here. It's an in the pot swirl (per AJ's method) with three colored portions; in this soap it's black aussie clay, yellow oxide, and brick red oxide colored intensely and poured into the main soap in the pot then swirled once round with the spatula. Poured into the mold in a circular motion. The colored streaks that show on the top of the soap are the last bits to come out of the pot. I try to swirl those in a large arc across the top of the soap to take advantage of the colors that tend to sink to the bottom of the pot.

The white peach is done the same way, but with two very subdued colors and less soap colored because I wanted a soft look for this feminine scent. :)

Try it, you'll like it! Very easy and no fuss really. I will still swirl to top dress soaps on some, but this way there is always color all the way through. :yes: Plus no fussing about with skewers and such!

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Absolutely gorgeous once again! I love love love the colors in the first one and how beautiful your swirls are! The second one is also just beautiful and so soft and feminine. I wanna grow up and make swirly soap just like you!! LOL

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Brenda you are makin me sick!...lol Love the first one.

I have room for storage...will you come here and kick me until I get off my butt and make soap again?

I have to make some to try out some new molds and now a new technique. Do you use a slab or log mold. I use a log and what you are describing..oh lawd I see a mess in my future!..lol

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